Thursday, February 28, 2019
Principle of Management
The purpose of this paper is to establish Verwaayen ending-making clevernesss in leadership role at Alcatel-Lucent. I will explicate in details the manner in which decisions were make, risk factor, and the contribution to business. The decisions managers pull at all level in business have a remarkable impact on the growth and wealth of the companies and the interests of employees, customers, and early(a) stakeholders. Verwaayen resigned from Alcatel-Lucent in 2013 due to poor job performance.Ben Verwaayen is a Dutch businessman. He have from Utrecht University with a degree in law and international relation in 1975. He has been the CEO of Alcatel-Lucent since 2008. Verwaayen was under contract to help (Alcatel-Lucent) a worried networking-equipment manufacturer to become profitable again. Firstly, I will describe the face of decisions Verwaayen do as CEO. Secondly, I will publicize the risks and uncertainty made. Thirdly, I will explain what decision-making strategy managem ent utilize.Lastly, I will magnify on the ways I assume Verwaayen contribute organizations learning at Alcatel-Lucent. Firstly, I will describe the type of decisions Verwaayen made as CEO. On Verwaayen offset printing day as CEO, he accepted an email asking him for approval to hire a new repository in a Poland office after 16 executives had already agreed. Verwaayen was bewilderment that executives had agreed to hire someone they never met or talked to. He determine in place a directive allowing managers to hire their own personnel. This was the first decision that Verwaayen made at Alcatel-Lucent.Decision-making is the process by which managers react to opportunities and pressure by analyzing the choices and making decisions about certain organizational aspirations and courses of action tally to Jones and George page (149) in our textbook. There are two types of decision-making programmed or nonprogrammed. Verwaayen used programmed decision-making when he gave the managers authority to hire own staff. Other decisions that Verwaayen made including the caller-up stopped hedging and wage that a 4G wireless LTE technology would hap instead of rival WiMax.Secondly, Verwaayen decisions had a dramatic impact on Alcatel-Lucent, as well as opportunity risk. The decisions Verwaayen imposed helped Alcatel-Lucent redevelop their infrastructure, profits, and increased the neckcloth value. Verwaayen gave the managers the responsibility to pursue issues that are important to them. The business goal that executives raise forward as the new Alcatel-Lucent norms after the merger in 2008 worked for the executives. Risks and uncertainties in these decisions could have been overwhelming to the structure of the business.Accountability by managers could have abused to stress personal gain instead of business, and the decision to spend crackingly on the 4G LTE technology could have fail if the key carriers in the Unites States chose to use new(prenominal) networking m ethods for their smart phones. Thirdly, Verwaayen and other top managers choose to pursue major issues in which they found to be critical toward the current culture and infrastructure of the company. Upon ever-changing the culture and structure of the company Verwaayen and his top managers were able to make facial expression by case decisions for the company.I suppose if Verwaayen had used these six steps with the other managers recognize the need for a decision, generate alternatives, choose among alternatives, implement the chosen alternative, and learn from feedback there would have been a different outcome. Lastly, I believe that Verwaayen could contribute organizational learning at Alcatel-Lucent varies ways. Verwaayen has a enormous acquaintance of the organizations marketplace as well as the stakeholders at Alcatel-Lucent.Verwaayen could teach management what it takes to run a successful business from his early(prenominal) experience. Learning from past mistakes within a n organization is vital. Verwaayen should motivate managers to engage in entrepreneurial intrapreneur spirit. Entrepreneurs have a high personality trait of desolation to experience, meaning they are prone to be original, open minded, daring, and take risks. likewise organizations need encourage intrapreneurship because it leads to organizational learning and innovation.In conclusion, Verwaayen made some great decisions as the CEO of Alcatel-Lucent during his time in power. He also empower his managers to hire their own staff and gave them some responsibilities to seek out employees that had skill that are valuable to the company and allowed accountability for poor decision making. Verwaayen is subservient in ending the Alcatel-Lucent hedge and investing heavily on 4G LTE technology. Verwaayen made some poor decisions that were not profitable for the company. I agree with the decision to ask Verwaayen to resign from his post in 2013.
Marriage Analysis
br another(prenominal)hood is one of the major rights of passage in life. It is a change of status that involves all the emotional baggage that comes with such changes. Marriage is one of the few rights of passage that I, myself puzzle chosen to undertake. Once my fianc? and I made the desciscion to get married, the next step was to plan the wedding. The first affaire I had to do was to set a date. Choosing a date was not a simple task, considering I had to keep in mind of family commitments, other events, the length that some guests had to travel, and weather conditions.I k untried that I wanted to be a summer bride, so I heady the best duration would be around labor day. It would be the end of the summer, and a new beginning for me. Next, I went to the library and checked out all the books that I could find on weddings. I read each one carefully and took notes. Also I asked family members and friends about their own weddings. I asked questions about everything from weddings d resses to blossoming arrangements. The Internet was also is very informative. I logged onto the Internet and read legion(predicate) interesting stories about other people and their weddings.The third problem that I had to face was, What kind of wedding do I want? I had to choose from an ultra-formal, formal, semiformal, or informal. Determining how formal the wedding is to be willing is to be would help establish the overall wedding strategy. The level of formalities determines, to a great extent, the overall cost of the wedding. I chose the formal layout, which is the nearly typical wedding format Then there is finding a ceremony settle. Since most of our friends are in North Carolina, we decided to nurture it here and not in Texas where my fianc? s raised. I decided to arrive the ceremonies held in the church that I grew up in.Choosing a ceremony site was not that hard, since I also decided that the reception also would be held at the church. The next thing was choosing t he participants. I chose my sisters and friends for brides maids. My niece and little cousin would be the flower girls. Next, I went and asked each one to participate in the wedding, at which time they very gladly accepted. Choosing a wedding gown would be the hardest task. I saw so many gowns the were so beautiful.First, I decided how oftentimes I wanted to spend on the gown. Then, I had to chose the desireness that would be the best for me. So after going to one-hundred different shops, and some(prenominal) wedding shows, I picked the gown that most made me feel like Cinderella. Next, came the hiring of the musician, the catering, photographer, and florist. I was fortunate enough to find the One Stop Shop. They were extremely recommended. At the One Stop Shop, they do it all. With the combination of services that they provided, I was exhilarated to learn that they had reasonable pricing.Sending out the invitations is the second-to-last event that compulsory to be planned. Th e Invitations are to be mailed approximately four to six-spot weeks prior to the wedding. The envelopes are to be hand addressed in sign matching the printed ink on the invitation itself. Finally, the planning of the honeymoon. The key is to plan onwards and make every minute count. I decided on a week in Hawaii would be the means to get much needed rest. After planning a wedding, the only thing I can say is, Thank God I only have to go through this once
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Character Analysis: The Nun Of Monza
Lacunas arrival to the convent, Gertrude appears and her vitality story takes up the following two chapters of the novel. Gertrude grew up at a time when a woman had two choices in behavior the first was to find a spouse and have children succession the other option was to become a nun. As a child, Gertrude had no desire to become a nun, but rather dreamt of the day when she could in the long run fall in love. Gertrude father indirectly forced his daughter into proper a nun by giving her dolls dressed as nuns, direct her to Sunday school, and having her read the bible.The brain washed child grew up to having no choice but to move to a convent and take on the life-time long commitment of becoming a nun. The ceremony in which Gertrude accepts her rising being a life devoted to God, she ponders her decision for a morsel with conflicting thoughts rushing through her mind. She debates with herself on whether this is the life she wants or if this is the life society wants. When th e church asks her if Gertrude has chosen to devote her life to God because of her bear desire she causes while looking at her father.After another inner appointment with her emotions, Gertrude finally vows to become a nun. Later on in Gertrude life, she goes to run in a convent located in an Italian town called amazon, thus taking on the name The Nun of Amazon. here she spends her days praying during the day, but living a completely different life during the night. As time goes on she falls in love and develops a forbidden relationship with a man named Goodie whom she has a child with. In her daily fife at the Covent, Gertrude always shows signs of rebellion after having found love.One archetype of her rebellious attitude is portrayed by a loose base of hair falling from her veil. The strand of hair is a symbol of Gestures dislike and disgust towards the church for having made her once free life a life filled with unhappiness and restrictions. The smiling child she once was becomes an smoldering and troubled soul after years of feeling like a prisoner of the church.
Belonging: Indigenous Australians and Connected Family Relationship Essay
Belonging is the enlightenment felt when man gains an knowingness of themselves, which may or may not include affiliations to others & the wider world. This insight is run aground in the texts of As You Like It by William Shakespeare, The Last Samurai directed by Edward Zwick & The Past by Oodgeroo Noonuccal.As You Like It initially accentuates familial & policy-making usurpation, injustice, exile & the pain of world made to feel that no unity longer belongs in either court or family. The physical take of wrestling inwardly the play metaphorically acts as an impulsive take of grappling amongst civilisation. This diminishes any sense of connection amid urban society & in effect, the court is seen as a world of division, lack of acceptance & where powerless people such as Or overturno do not seem to belong.In the play, belonging, however, develops from the interaction of the characters spirit & nurture. For Oliver & Or set downo these aspects varied. Oliver is of noble birth, y et his degenerate nature contrasts to that of Orlandos. Despite this, Oliver accuses Orlando of being a villain, whilst carrying only hate for him, personifying his soul, I entrust I shall see an end of him, for my soul hates nothing more than he. Henceforth an absence of filial connection existed between the siblings.Nonetheless this lack dwindles as the ii venture through Arden, discovering diverse values, emotions & essentially a forced change of nurturing, with Oliver in particular. He experiences brotherly love & sacrifice, evoking an intrinsical benevolence, in the paradox, Twas I, but tis not I I do not shame to tell you what I was, since my conversion so sweetly tastes, being the thing I am. Oliver now belongs in a connected family relationship, & to a self that he can now perceive as being different from before.Shakespeare uses Jacques to show how the guise of not belonging, veneers a believe to find belonging on another level. Out of these convertities there is oftt imes matter to be heard & learned. In repelling a interpret to the court, Jacques endorses a transcended form of belonging, a self-belonging of a philosophical, intellectual & spiritual degree. Ironically, objet dart isolating himself from man, it is through the company of various temporary characters that Jacques cultivates his conceptions about humanity.From the motion picture The Last Samurai, the concept of belonging is centred on the vagary of kinship & assimilation. Recalling Algrens initial encounter with the Samurai, a reservoir of fear in the change Japanese soldiers is present as they are overwhelmed by their masochistic nature. Zwicks use of fog concocts an atmosphere of ambiguity & evokes panic amongst the moderns, symbolic of their mental unsoundness in contrast to the kinship of the Samurai. Evidently, Zwick shapes meaning by contrasting two opposing societies & values, allowing the responder to realise the importance of belonging.Zwicks attempt to lead the respo nder with an insight into Algrens mentality is achieved with flashbacks & diary entries. The flashbacks are nightmares of Algrens shameful past, which creates within him a resent & rage towards all things, the fondness of his isolation. Likewise the diary entries are an extension on this device in which they keep the responder informed on Algrens current state.Per contra, a clear breaking of disparity emerges as he writes It is here Ive known my first untroubled sleep thus gradually assimilate with eastern culture. The entries begin to represent a lack of defiance & a growing curiosity, the idea of acceptance being associated with understanding & comfort last grants Algren refuge & a sense of belonging.The composers use of symbolism contributes to the financial statement of attaining belonging. The rain is a recurring symbol which represents revelation & growth within Algren & the fire signifies creation & rebirth of a new asylum give with the Samurai. Colour itself is a symbol the dull darker colours are broadly speaking associated with the westernised area, rendering a disconnected aura. On the contrary, we are introduced to the collation of vibrant earthly colours found at Samurai village, betokening a sense of truth, a place where Algren can develop a conceptual understanding of himself & others.In The Past, Noonuccal enunciates her sense of belonging to Aboriginal culture with the direct collocation of the past & present White & Aboriginal ethnology. The importance & connection to the land for Aboriginal Australians is accentuated through metaphoric antiquity, But a thousand clique fires in the forestAre in my blood.The multitudinous campfires insinuates the earthshaking length of Aboriginal history in antithesis with late European resolving power & comfortable duster culture, In easy chair before electric automobile radiator. Noonuccal differentiates past & present to express how an individuals unresolved identicalness can influence their belo nging in the present. Noonuccal fails to find association with present, white ethnics due to her inability to relate & attain solidarity.As an Aboriginal Australian, Noonuccals belonging lies within her Aboriginal identity & her strong mutuality with nature, the land, her ancestors & the past. Her business firm belief in animism expresses the camaraderie she shares with her environment. Personification is employed to communicate the idea of animism, as seen in the third stanza, The tall surrounding trees that stir in the wind. Noonuccal achieves a state of harmony through an intimate alliance with the land that shapes their integrity.Ultimately, through the use of various literary techniques & discussion of the texts, it is prominent that
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
6 Drivers in Relationship Selling of the Coca-Cola Company
Study the critical 1. Introduction concomitant with the change magnitude of global economy, the enterprise has renderd umpteen in the raw opportunities in the new economic situation. Market is bourgeoning and changing rapidly. As the competition increases, harvest-homes and work on become overmuch indistinguishable, and m subterfuges become established, it is becoming increasingly tougher for companies in retail industries to distinguish themselves from other stores. Simply offering clients with technical solutions to problems do not be sufficient eithermore to be competitive and obtain and guard market sh atomic number 18 (Omar et. l 2009). As the expansion of the new returns taint, the new form of marketing is emerging. Customers specimen of demands to the proceedss and service also increase to luxuriouslyer levels. The traditional strategy of change and gross revenue localize of many companies faces increasing ch in exclusivelyenge to hit the high demand clients, therefore, toleratenot continue the victory. The coca plant-Cola Company, although with a long history association, toilet yet occupy the first position in the loco b ever soage companies nearly the globe. coca-cola has 125 years long term history. This is an iconic brand and the social club that bears its name.From humble beginnings 125 years ago, the Company has evolved from hotshot overlap of Coca-Cola to more than 500 brands in 2011. They obtain grown from selling a junior-grade 9 crisps a day in 1886 to 1. 7 billion a day. And the brand has expanded from one city in one rustic to availability in more than 200 countries around the world. With the above bewitching phenomenon, the questions emerged how empennage the confederacy expire through and keep so huge victor and what is the selling and gross revenue management that Coca-Cola Company applied to support much(prenominal) kind of victor?To answer these questions, in this essay, we be waiver to look the six critical drivers of the selling and gross sales management that the smart manipulate put one over to achieve the success. The drivers are providen as follows and leave behind be described full-strength and particular(prenominal)ally. (1) building long-term relationships with customers (2) creating sales transcriptional forms that are more vigorous and adaptable to the ineluctably of direct customer groups (3) shiting greater job monomania and commitment from sales wad by removing functional barriers in spite of appearance the establishment and supplement the team up experience (4) shifting sales management way of life from ommanding to learn (5) leveraging available technology for sales success and (6) violate-integrating salesperson exploit valuation to incorporate the full range of activities and outcomes relevant within sales jobs today. 2. cloy 2. 1 create long-term relationships with customers Building long-term relationship with custome r plays a very important role in marketing. It includes assessing customer appreciate and tensioning on high-priority customers, it bring customers and their brands closer together and give customers a direct engagement with the company, it helps company going more and more better in long-term future1.The companys long-term success requires a good relationship between company and their customers. As competition deepens, companies are putting customer relationship as important position, most of them are already seeing the pull aheads theyre attracting and harvesting customers and generating profit. Coca Cola, no offspring how it seems as a stereotype is an amazing type of creating peoples emotional connection with brand. How does coca-cola company lock in long-term relationships that benefit both salesperson and customer? The section discussed detailed.Achieving brand reinvention considered The success of Coca-Cola is much attri unlessed to its branding. Since 1866, the companie d applied all kinds of strategies to advertise the brand. After achieving impressive brand committal by the constant reinvention of the brand and focus on improving the brand, Coca-Cola is no doubt one of the most famous soft drinks in the world 2. Focus on consumer sophistication The Coca-Colas brand strategy requires focus on changing market configurations and realities of consumer sophistication to reshape the brand.In the early years, the company hoped the brand available, affordable and accordable to build that is instantly recognizable and pop in the minds of customer. Over the years, it reinforced their strategies to accommodate the new demand of consumers, focus Coca-Cola on building the brand identity by providing a pass judgment for the bell differentiation in order to meet preferences of consumers and ubiquitous penetration. Nowadays, Coca-Cola grows to a company with strong brand identity and brand image among test at least 20 brands n a monthly nucleotide with a sample of 4000 consumers. Evaluation of consumer response Also, the company insistently evaluates the response of consumers to its brands in order to assess the perception of customer and the thoughts of consumers towards their products. Consumers relate to brands with specific symbols and promises to be fulfilled. R all(prenominal)ing a strategic consensus Another important operator of branding strategies for Coca-Cola is that strong brands make great sales and increase revenues.However, Coca-Cola nevertheless the strategy by building a brand that has the sales by attracting and retaining the lift out long term human capital and investment in labor relations and customer relationship management to increase taken. This has to meet the company not only to a strategic consensus and alignment at all organisational levels, but also allows trigger positive feelings in the minds of consumers. Brand loyalty building The strong brand image is closed related to brand loyalty. The mor e the demand of customers are satisfied, the more consumers accept the brand.It also means the image of Coca-Cola, which is stimulated by advertising campaigns and strategies for in force(p) marketing. And the customer loyalty forget be consolidated by increasing the fatalitys of customers and the customer satisfaction. 2. 2. Creating sales organizational structures that are more bustling and adaptable to the postulate of different customer groups Coca-cola is the famous and big company. So the product and the sales organization structure are strongly responding the needs of different customer groups. Each part of structure nurture direction of the boss set out, the mission is take care of groups which be in charged.And the different customers groups want to mention are reseller and whole seller. Pros Cons Whole seller -The price is the reasonable -The quantity is enormous -Long term stock -Inconvenient to enjoyment immediately -Hard to bring along -Have few promotion Rese ller -Can find product every where -Convenient to enjoy immediately-Can choose state of product. Its mean you lavatory choose cold or not. -Easy to bring along-A lot of promotion -The price is higher than whole seller so plundernot buy enormous-Donotmarket competitionsocompete in regional( its mean standards of brisk that region) Coca-cola on severally day has more and more product to cut out their cons. So coca-cola al expressive styles exist how to flexible with different customers groups by creating product suitable for customer. Supports to different customers groups, coca-cola have kind of product help for sale. For example in Singapore, coca-cola have a lot of kind of product, coca-cola know the people who live in Singapore resembling tea, fruit and soft drink So coca-cola have the product suitable for this. Soft drink can service for everyone, with particularly for teenager, with the special formula and perennial brand coca-cola can persuade people use their product. Beside coca-cola the main product they have Sprite, Fanta, coca-cola clear(p) Tea for people who dont want to drink soft drink because soft drink can make their fat and some(a) people who live in Singapore like to drink tea, curiously is elderly. So coca-cola knows it and they create this product with a lot of flavor to choose. The product is Heaven and Earth Fruit For people, who care about their health, especially is char . The product is Minute Maid Pulpy. With each product coca-cola have many designs with many service size.They have can, small bottle, big bottle, glass bottle, typography box, big steel container (it has just serve for restaurant, cinema, especially for fast-food restaurant). This serves for everywhere, every customer with different hobbies. Base on it. Coca-cola can create big sales. With each customer, coca-cola organization explores how to get satisfied of them 2. 3. Gaining greater job ownership and commitment from salespeople The big company like Coca- Cola always know how to treat the employees, especially is salespeople. Because the salespeople are important part of company, they help company to sell all of product.And Coca-Cola-the big company always treat their properly. Company always has the allow for good sales to motivate their employees. Examples are they have a foster award for best seller or they have the award for all of employees who get the limit of selling will have the award. Along with it, Coca-Cola empowers their supply. Coca-Cola correspond staff with knowledge, skills and tools necessary so they cannot just do his job well, but can also handle tasks outside their scope, especially issues related to customer requirements.When employees are empowered, they do not find people with high say-so in the company, that they will actively address the issues arising. They will have the independence to act and take responsibility for results. When they have mistake, they also actively try ways to overcome. Coca-Cola cut down procedures to prevent employees think and act like an owner. Often, when not satisfied, customers are requested to meet with wrinkle owners and top four-in-hands. scarce in the end customer would not achieve better than what the staff had explained earlier. Why it takes time for this?And Coca-Cola has told employees that they must(prenominal) address the job as beingness a business owner. When trust in the staff, Coca-Cola will give them the agency and that will significantly mitigate the results of their work. But to the employees actually work proactively solve, Coca-Cola has better transitiones and procedures and facilitate the subordinates can make decisions more and more important work their daily The staff needs to be updated in time to the things going on in the company. There is nothing worse than an employee about to realise a client say that their company is surprised.Remember that the lower-level employees are the ones who directly meet most customers. They need to have all the information needed to go with customers Employees who know best what customers like and whats not expert. When the power advantage of the firmness of employees, Company business can operate and give customers what they really want. This process itself will make employees feel respected, appreciated and is an important member in the organization. So employees must commit with company. They must introduce about product of Coca-Cola and do the job with their best ability.And along with it they will help company to get their aim. 2. 4. Shifting sales management style from exacting to coaching In the phylogenesis of the world, the market trading gave some new demands for business who want to succeed. In any organization, sale conductor plays a life-or-death role. So what is sale manager? That means youre a manager of people 3. In facts, each leader will choose one management style for them to adapt many factors and achieve the goals of the business. The f irst thing, we will analyze two main sale management styles commanding and coaching.What is commanding style? It means the imposition leaders ideas on the collective. They oft take themselves as a measure of the value. In this style, the sale management tells many employees what he wants them to do and how they must do it without getting any advice. It often makes employees feel managers dont understand their innermost feelings and aspiration. The staffs arent interested in giving their ideas to improve business and the result is that the company was missed profuse opinions from the employees.But in the current market, sale managers need to create an environment that it allows salespeople to use their talents and their abilities to successfully secure, or put another way is build and maintain consumers relationship. So for selling to change, management of salespeople must also change accordingly. And one of the most important and often most neglected, a half of responsibility of th e sale management is coaching reps. Here we need to understand what coaching is. It is the working process between sale manager and salespeople on a day-to-day basis to improve their surgical operation.If a perfective tense manager, he will constantly coach and give feedback to the people who accounting to them directly and indirectly to help them improve, grow up strategiesMoreover, he must try to find out how to motivate their salespeople and direct their employees that which one is rightfulness or wrong. Katherine Twells who is a vice president of the Coca-Cola company, said that Leadership is an art that you work on daily 4. Coca Cola affirms that Organization is a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be 5.With this vision, they always create opportunities to encourage their staffs to develop themselves and increase their knowledge and competencies. Moreover, CCL (Coca Cola Icecek A. S) provides fundamental training programs based on a staff s position. It includes internal training, external training and online training, or E-learning 6. Sales coaching can receive better results in the business. It supplies achievement, fulfillment and joy from which both the individual and organization benefit. In a development by the Sales Executive Council recognizes the importance of coaching sales organizations achieve 107% of target.You can see on the chart 7 2. 5. Leveraging for sales success Nowadays, salespeople use a lot of technological tools at their disposal than ever before. Clearly, technology constitutions bear a viral importance for management of the business. Actually, Coca Cola is a big company. So they always found on information technology networks and systems, including the Internet, to process, transmit and store electronic information, and to manage or support a variety of business processes and activities, including procurement and supply chain, manufacturing, distribution and invoicing and collection of pa yments.Thanks to the Distribution System Software implemented in 2007, organization could cover the sales of 97% of the sales of the sales of 260,000 CCL customers through infrastructure with 250 of distributors 8. Customers can order by portable handheld devices. These devices will show update records for sales staff such as on the visited sales out lets, equipment, accounts, and the shipment for the sales outletsAfter analyze consumer behavior of customers Coca Cola will revise their products, pricing, packaging, and distribution strategies to bring better quality.It helps them know how salespeople plan their days, how they contact customers, how they manage all of the information they must know, and so on. In facts, if information technology systems suffer demand such as shutdown or disruption without resolve immediately, the organization will have a big lose about revenue and profit as a result of distribute, invoice, or create slowly in account financial. 2. 6. Evaluating sal esperson performance more accurately Basi blazon outy, salesperson military rating is the likeness of salespersons objectives with the results they achieved.The evaluation process begins with the settings of the objectives which may be * financial such as sales revenue, profit and expenses, * market-oriented such as market share, or * customer oriented such as customer satisfaction and service levels. Then, the sales strategy must be decided to show how the objectives are to be achieved. Also performance standards should be set for the company, regions, products, salespeople and accounts. Results are then measurable and compared with performance standards.Reasons for differences are assessed, than action will be taken to improve the performance. The results of performance review can be used to answer a number of important problems such as * functioning review have important role for developing the motivation. * Performance review of salesperson is the invertebrate foot for impro vement quality of sales process. * Performance review of salesperson is the condition for the training of the organization. * System of performance evaluation is very necessary to creating the system of compensation. Planning and improvement the human resources depend on system that measures performances. * Performance review of salesperson support the implementation of strategic approach of organization. Thats why evaluation of salespersons becomes one of the key activities of sales management in a company. In coca cola, every salespersons evaluation is done on quarterly basis. And based on the evaluation, the company will consider whether or not to promote the people to the higher levels of the organization is the best decision to make.So this evaluation also motivates salespeople to work hard and get the promotion or at least the monetary rewards, which are assumption not only to the best salesman but the best market developer and the best sales manager of the year. Their perfo rmance is evaluated on the basis of performance development plan. Performance is measured on the basis of achievement of the targets, which are set and communicated at the very beginning of the year to each sales manager, each quarter to every market developer and every month to each salesperson.This performance development plan evaluates the sales people on the basis of call slips, Route call, Call completion, Effective and productive call, attendance, growth in sales, market development and the punctuality of the salesman. 3. Conclusion The Coca-Cola Company, although with a long history company, can still occupy the first position in the soft drink companies around the world because the company adopts to achieve the success. The drivers are shown as follows Building long-term relationships with customers they go all out to achieve brand loyalty, they focus on consumer sophistication (by accommodating their consumers new demands), evaluate the response of their consumer, reaching a strategic consensus, and building a strong positive brand image. * Creating sales organizational forms that are more nimble and adaptable to the needs of direct customer groups they create a more flexible organizational forms. Gaining greater job ownership and commitment from salespeople by removing functional barriers within the organization and leveraging the team experience they treat their employees well, keep them happy so they can do things right. * Shifting sales management style from commanding to coaching so their employee can do the right thing (not just do things right). * Leveraging available technology for sales success they adapt with technology development and use those things for the sake of their company. Better-integrating salesperson performance evaluation to incorporate the full range of activities and outcomes relevant within sales jobs today they evaluate their salesperson more accurately so they can keep (or promote) the good salesperson and kick (or demote ) the bad ones, which makes every centime they spend on their salesperson gives a far greater gain for the company. 4. References 1. Omar MW, Jusoff K, Ali MNM. 2009. sales representative Professional Selling and the Effect on Buyer and Salesperson Relationship. International Journal of Business and Management. 443-45. 2. http//www. wildwestprisons. om/the-key-to-the-success-of-coca-cola/ (Accessed 21 November 2011) 3. John F. tan JK, Earl D. Honeycutt JR and Robert C. Erffmeyer (2009, p. 4) Introduction to sales management. 4. John F. Tanner JR, Earl D. Honeycutt JR and Robert C. Erffmeyer (2009, p. 220) Supervising, managing, and leading salespeople individually and in teams. 5. Mission, Vision Values http//www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/mission_vision_values. html (Accessed22 November 2011) 6. Coca-Cola Jcecek Corporate Social responsibleness Report ( ring 2008-Marchi 2009) Available at http//www. hecoca-colacompany. com/citizenship/pdf/sustainability_reports/2008- 2009_icecek. pdf (Accessed 22 November 2011). 7. Sales Force posture Blog Sales Process How Managers become Coaches (Posted by John Kenney on Sat, Sep17, 2011) http//www. salesbenchmarkindex. com/bid/66659/Sales-Process-How-Managers-Become-Coaches (Accessed 22 November 2011). 8. (Coca-Cola Icecek Corporate Social Responsibility Report (Turkey January 2007 March 2008)http//www. thecocacolacompany. com/citizenship/pdf/cci_csr2007. pdf (Accessed 22 November 2011).
Legal Framework †Employement Act Essay
The compevery complained that Encik Pokoks industriousness for offer was merely received by Encik Bunga on the twenty-sixth November 1996. The leave application was non approved because it was not following the party procedure and secondly, reasonable salvage was not given up. Encik Pokok was dismissed without internal motion d adept. Encik Pokok claimed that he had submitted his leave application on the 23rd November 1996. His application was pass to his friend to be given to his supervisor, Encik Daun.He assumed that his leave application was authorized. Encik Pokok said that he went to the Pejabat Kadi on the 23rd November 1996 to settle his sister in laws guinea pig and the next twain days, to celebrate their engagement. For the 26th November 1996, he claimed he went to the fight office in Temerloh with his friend. Due to fatigue, he did not go to work. He made a verbal leave application to the company finished one of the companys officers who was available at that ti me. Encik Pokok claimed that he was unlawfully end pointinated.He complained that internal doubtfulness had to be done antecedent to his event because it violates Section 14 of the oeuvre feign 1955 and Item 35 of the reciprocal agreement. Power to make confronts 35. (1) A Court shall have power in relation to a trade dispute of which it has cognizance to make an award (including an interim award) relating to all or any of the industrial matters in dispute. (1A) A Court shall not consider a dispute relating to the dismissal of an employee or make an award relating to the rein pedagogy of an employee except in circumstances arising out of a contravention of section 82. 2) Notwithstanding subsection (1A), where an employee considers that he has been dismissed without moreover cause or excuse by his employer, in circumstances another(prenominal) than those arising out of a contravention of section 82, he may, within one month of much(prenominal) dismissal, make, through his trade union, representations in writing to the parson to be reinstated in his actor employment (3) The minister of religion may, before reservation close on any such representations, by writing downstairs his hand request the Commissioner to inquire into the dismissal and report whether in his conviction the dismissal is without just cause or excuse instated in his former employment.(4) The Minister, if he decides to deal with the representations himself, shall before making a decision on it give an opportunity to the employer to make representations in writing as to the reasons why he considered the dismissal of the employee to be justified. 5) If, after considering the representations of the trade union and of the employer (if any) and any report made by the Commissioner under subsection (3), the Minister is commodious that the employee has been dismissed without just cause or excuse he may, stock-still any rule of law or agreement to the contrary (a) indicate the emplo yer to reinstate the employee in his former employment and to pay the employee an amount that is homogeneous to the wages that the employee would have earned had he not been dismissed by the employer or (b) direct the employer to pay such amount of wages as compensation as may be determined by the Minister. 5A) The employer shall conform to with the focussing of the Minister under subsection (5). (6) The decision of the Minister on any representations made under this section shall be final and conclusive and shall not be challenged in any greet or in a Court established under this Act. 7) Any direction by the Minister under subsection (5) shall operate as a immobilize to any action for damages by the employee in any court in respect of the wrongful dismissal (8) An employer who fails to comply with the direction of the Minister under subsection (5) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be conjectural on conviction by a District Court to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to impr isonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both. 9) Where an amount to be stipendiary under subsection (5) is not paid in accordance with the direction of the Minister and the employer has been convicted of an offence under subsection (8), the amount, or so often thitherof as remains unpaid, shall be recoverable by a District Court as if it were a fine and the amount so recovered shall be paid to the employee entitled under the direction. AnswerAs the argue lawyer, the company did not make a correct decision in terminating Encik Pokok. The reason is because Encik Pokok has attempted to inform the Company by submitting the leave application form to Encik Daud through his friend on 23rd Nov 1996. Encik Pokok in addition made a verbal application for leave on the 26th November 1996 through a company official on duty at that time. This would mean that technically he was not rattlepated for more than two consecutive days.Therefore According to job Act 1955, section 15(2), An employee shall be deemed to have broken his contract of service with the employer if he has been continuously absent from work for more than two consecutive working days without preliminary leave from his employer, unless he has a reasonable excuse for such absence seizure and has informed or attempted to inform his employer of such excuse prior to or at the earliest opportunity during such absence. The Company also failed to conduct a domesticated dubiousness to give Encik Pokok a knock to defend himself and offer reasonable excuse why he failed to circle up for work.Therefore Section 14(1) of the Employment Act applies. According to Employment Act 1955 section 14(1), An employer may, on the grounds of misconduct inconsistent with the fulfilment of the expect or implied condition of his service, after a receivable inquiry (a) Dismiss without notice the employee Habitual absenteeism (of less than two days at a time but on a frequent basis) would be defined as unauthorize d absence from work on a certain number of days per month over a 6 month period. Initially informs would be given, but if the absence persists, the employee may daring dismissal.The failure to be punctual would be treated the same charge as customary absenteeism. In this grimace, the company failed to appearance whether Encik Pokok is a habitual absentee by not producing historical records of his attendance. However reported cases show that a breach of contract and termination are dealt as separate issues. As such a breach of contract may not go out to an automatic termination of employment. The consequence of such a breach would work out on the conditions of employment. Conclusion Encik Pokok was a victim of wrongful dismissal and the company must reinstate him immediately.The company has the right to issue written warning for the 24th and 25th November 1996 for unauthorized leave. Question 3 (b) You are defending lawyer for the Company. Has the Company made a correct decisi on in terminating Mr. vertical . Discuss? Case facts Mr. Good was charged with sleeping darn on duty on 12th June 1997 at 7. 30pm in the symphony room at Tan Sri William Chengs house in Petaling Jaya. Mr. Good was instructed Vide a letter on 17th June 1997 to attend an inquiry on 20th June 1997 to hear the charge. Mr. Good says that he had been dismissed without due inquire.He denied that he had committed the offence alleged of and argued that the company had merely acted on suspicion. Answer Company did not make a correct decision. This is due to the fact that Mr. Good was not caught sleeping red handed and Mr. stinking and Miss Sexys allegements were only implied. There were actually no eye witnesses. The court may conclude as it is only allegation as there is no evidence of Mr. Good committing the misconduct, as such the Company even failed to 1) The Company did not conduct a domestic inquiry.The company should call for domestic inquire as it is an internal inquiry into some a lleged misconduct by an employee. The main objectives of the domestic inquiry are to establish whether the alleged misconduct is proven or not and if the misconduct is proven, to recommend a punishment that is appropriate to the offence committed. The plaintiff is normally the management of the company but sometimes, can also be the victim of the alleged misconduct. At the domestic inquiry, the employer will present its case and the employee is given an equal opportunity to defend himself against the charges of misconduct.Under Employment Act 1955 Section14 (1) where an employer may on the grounds of misconduct inconsistent with the fulfillment of the express of implied conditions of his service, after due inquiry 2) Absence of show cause letter or letter of disciplinary, As to Mr. Bad and Ms. Sexys statement on Mr. Good was caught committing the same offence 3 years ago, there were no records as the company did not issue any show cause letter or letter of disciplinary action. Conc lusion The Company did not follow the proper dismissal procedures in accordance to Employment Act 1955, which relates to misconduct.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Autobiographical Essay on “the Life as a Small Business Thinkerâ€Â
I was born in 1978, and started my life-education when I was at 5 old age of age in a USM kindergarten, Penang. I grew up in Penang, had an ordinary secondary education in two schools (SMKA Almashoor and St. Georges Girls School), which I find two different cultures in both schools. eyepatch in an Islamic school, we were thought all the essential Islamic determine which (I think) make the most of who I am today. Meanwhile being in St Georges Girls School, a multi-cultural school, has developed me into a self-confident woman and motivated in life and what I do.Most of this essay is a series of vignettes from my victor life, in chronological order. This is the story of my life, with an elaboration of what I think is the academic degree of it all my personal assessment of what I did and why I became a marketer. At the age of 34, I was beginning to re-think all the decisions that Ive made through my life and all the what ifs question that was not answerable up till now. For weeks, I have been contemplating and have faint urges to pursue more(prenominal) in life, and get hold of one most important involvement in my life graduate with a MBA in my handWhen I enrolled to UiTM, the decision to major in broadcasting was something I did not absent lightly. I was sure of the decision I made without knowing the after-crisis that I might face later on. I spent 4 years of my life majoring in Broadcasting, and was enjoying college life as much as I could. I was al counselings fascinated by the world of broadcasting and all its stories. Its impossible for me to pin-point when I first became interested with broadcasting as it has been there for as long I can guess.I was lucky plenteous to land a 6 months practical at a takings house that had given me exciting insights in the world of broadcasting. I telephone going back to class from the 6 exciting months feeling ardent about life, work and all the people that I have met in the industry. The months of hardworking, fast-paced industry were what I longed for. At this point, my jeopardize-graduation plan was to work in a tv station (or small market station at least). I was expecting a low salary and ungodly hours, but I was looking at the experience as an extension of my education.I remember when I completed my paper during my finals, my head was racing with so-called future plans, and I could remember that faint twinge of excitement as I passport through the newspapers looking for jobs in tv station. I also remember the journey to several tv stations that I went for querys that turned me wad as I had no relevant experience for the job. I forecast quickly, the jobs available to me were limited, because I was lack of experience, and I was young. After weeks of searching, and drilling interview sessions, I finally land a marketing job at Seniko Sdn Bhd. an IT company in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. I took the job instantly, as I thought, I must have done something right to market myself that the Ma nager offered me the post immediately. My first job in a way has changed my outlook and way of life. It was really the key that made me start to grow as a person, and expanded my responsibilities extensively. The first job was always the hardest to cope with, until I realised many things in life is implied through my first marketing job.
Community Colleges which deliver Essay
mental faculty description This staff covers the importance of volunteerism in contributing to an improvement in the quality of life in communities around UTech and Community Colleges which deliver its programmes as well as the wider lodge. It further unites classroom instructions with real social needs and explores the relationship between General Education modules and CSP 1001. MODULE OBJECTIVES At the end of the module, you should be able to 1. understand the nature of volunteerism 2. recognize the constituent of individuals in providing voluntary wait on 3. appreciate the value of a service ethic in the ripening of a society. REQUIRED READINGS Robotham, D. (1998). mental imagery and Volunteerism. mildness Kennedy Foundation Lecture. Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan. National Planning set up of Jamaica. 2009 ASSESSMENT 1. You will be required to complete four reflective pieces. Each reflection must be type written, Times overbold Roman, 12pt, double spac ed and no less than maven paginate or more than three pages. You will not be totallyowed to submit all four pieces at the end of the semester. You must complete distributively one and submit it on the due season. You will prepare two copies of each assignment. Submit one copy to your lecturer. Have your lecturer sign and date the other copy to acknowledge receipt of your work. Keep all sign(a) copies of your assignments in a safe place. You may need to provide these as evidence of submission of your work.2.NB My copy of each reflection is to be e-mailed to I do not require a hardcopy of reflections 1 3.3.A hardcopy of your final reflection (REFLECTION 4) must be submitted to the agency before you throw at the end of the semester. This signed copy of the reflection must be submitted along with the completed timecard. You must present all your work in a folder with the following information on the cover page NAME ACADEMIC YEAR SCHOOL LECTURER NAME OF dele gacy/ PROJECT ID SEMESTER TUTORIAL DAY/TIME AGENCY SUPERVISOR4.At the end of each reflection, you must type this information Lecturers signature Submission Date2 CONTENTSession 1 Week beginning Aug 26 Content Introduction to CSP 1001 Structure of the module Assignment to groups and agency Readings and assignments Activities Assign reading for next class apologise guidelines for reflections ASSIGNMENTS facial expression 1 2 pages Vision 2030 and company service a. What does corporation service/ volunteerism mean to you? b. Which 2 of the 4 goals of Vision 2030 do you signify is most closely linked to community service/ volunteerism? Why? c. deal 1 of the 2 goals discussed in (b) and suggest ways you can stick out to achieving this goal through your community service. d. Read Vision and Volunteerism Reviving Voluntarism in Jamaica, by Don Robotham2 Week beginning Sept 9Relating the philosophy and practice of community service / volunteerism to Vision 2030 What is vision 20 30 Goals of Vision 2030 Meaning of community service/ volunteerism watching 1 due reciprocation of reflection Discuss Vision and Volunteerism. Is volunteerism dead? Can we have a Fifth Peak of volunteerism in Jamaica?Reflection 22 pagesIdentifying your community service project objectives a. Identify your agency and briefly discuss the history, goals and objectives of the agency. b. cathexis the Vision 2030 goal you selected in reflection 1 in mind, set a set of objectives you aim to fulfill in your assignment at your agency. c. Discuss the specific steps you will take to accomplish those objectives. Reflection 3 2 pages a. Identify some of the problems/ issues you experienced or witnessed during your placement. b. To what end did problems you encountered/ witnessed in your placement reflect problems prevalent in the wider Jamaican society? c. What impact do you think these problems will have on our major power to achieve the goals laid out in Vision 2030? d. If the problem was something you encountered, what solution(s) did you occupy to address the problem? If the problem was something you witnessed, what possible solutions would you suggest could be apply to address the problem? Assignment 4 3 pages a. Briefly add up your impressions of your time spent in your agency. What do you think was the best dowry of your service? What was the worst part? b. Review the objectives you set for yourself and discuss to what conclusion were these objectives achieved? c. Discuss in what ways did the community in which you worked benefit from your project.3 Week beginning Sept 30Community Service as a change agent How has community service contributed to our nations development historically. What role can community service play in achieving the goals of Vision 2030. Reflection 2 due Discussion of reflection 24 Week beginning Oct 28Community Service for development Nation Community Globally Role of UTech/ Community Colleges Evaluation of experiences Chal lenges SolutionsReflection 3 due Discussion of reflection 3 Distribution of military rating forms.3d. State whether the organization would benefit from having more CSP projects completed. Suggest the configuration of service which would assist the organization/ community in which you worked, based on your experience there. e. In what ways do you think could CSP 1001 be better? f. Give reflections on your reading of Vision 2030 and Vision and Volunteerism You will sterilise a copy of this assignment which you will submit to your agency onward YOU LEAVE at the end of the semester. 5 Week beginning Nov 18 Evaluation of experiences Objectives Benefits Challenges Solutions Reflection 4 due (Final Assignment)
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Education †Gymnasium Essay
Title Education is everywhere in the world. Individuals argon learning here and there. Every whizz would agree that education is a fundamental focal point of sprightliness. Education is obtained learning from multiple people such as p arnts, friends, teachers and until now some other surroundings. Every individual is educated and taught differently. Education should be create not only on the text that lies within a book, except should also be base with everyday life. Agree on McCullough and Oliphant perspectives because scratchs and how life is not revolved around grades. Grades should not be based on how smart an individual is. Although Oliphant Letter to a B Student wrote Your performance is generally assumed to correspond to the knowledge you have acquired and will have got (137). They could be really intelligent or ignorant, only the letter grade they receive defines who they be. The letter grade that most individuals want to receive is an A, but others settle for the b est they can receive.In McCullough speech Youre not Special he says Where good is no longer good enough, where a B is the new C, and where the midlevel curriculum is called Advanced College Placement (McCullough). Even the ones that quiz their hardest on something might have a difficult time assay to comprehend the material. They worry near the grade they might receive and it stresses them out. at that place be individuals that just brush off or brag about the grade they received to wangle the others feel bad about themselves.For example, one student might have taken an exam that they studied for and failed the other student did not study and passed. Individuals like to brag about their grades that they credibly do not deserve. How life is not revolved around grades because it is more(prenominal) than that to life. Oliphant state Your grade does not represent a judgment of your sanctioned ability or of your character (137). volume think that individuals such as students that do not make a high grade that they are not trying their best at what they are doing.There are a lot of wealthy people that are wealthy without grades define them. Some of them could have made low grades when they were younger and people said they would not be successful it because they are impuissance everything. There are a handful of successful individuals that did not make it far in school, but is doing something good with their life. Individuals should not judge people because of several failing grades they could be more intelligent than everyone thinks they are. McCullough talks about Youre not special, because everyone is (McCullough).In conclusion, grades should not define a somebody on what they make on a paper. People should not judge a person by a low grade or high grade. Agreeing with McCullough and Oliphant perspectives. People are more intelligent than individuals think they are. Works CitedMcCullough, David. Youre not Special. Myfoxboston. com. Fox Television S tations, Inc. 6 June 2012. Web. 22 Feb. 2013. Oliphant, Robert. Letter to a B Student. Writing on the River An Anthology. 3rd ed. Boston McGraw-Hill, 2012. 136-142. Print.
Good Man Is Hard to Find Essay
According to Shakespere, All the worlds a stage, And all the men and women merely players. Some people, in their daily lives, do much intentional acting, or decieveing, than others. The terms Friday Muslim or sunshine Christian get to been coined to describe people who appear to be darling to their religion when they attend their weekly religious gathering, barely otherwise do not display any moral connections to it. These people put more importance on appearing as a good and richous mortal rather than actually thinkning, come up toing, and acting according to the religious documents they claim to follow. upkeep this sort of life proved to be fatal for the naan in Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard to Find. The grans religious hypocracy caused her to corrupt the thoughts of her grand barbarianren, manipulate events onto a negative path, and at long last cause the death of her and her family. Studies d unitary by the National Child reckon indi spuee that childrens views ar e larely shaped by caregiver/child interactions throught childhood(Measuring). John Wesley and June Stars mother and capture seem to be very passive and quiet with thier views.In comparison, the grandma is protrudespoken, opinionated, and presents herself as a religiously knowledgable, and thither for trustworthy, person. The children seem to tolerate picked up on her racist views as their normally argumentitive resopnses are absent when she makes condesending comments or so an ovbiously poor Negro child standing in the door of a shack(Oconnor) they pass on their trip. The impression of the grandmothers views into the children is as well aparent when, rather than being appalled at her racist story active a suitor bringing her watermelon, this story tickled John Wesleys jocund bone and he giggled and giggled(Oconnor).Also, June Star shows signs of the same materialistic shelfishness of the Grandmother when she states that she wouldnt marry a man that just brought her a waterm elon on Saturday(Oconnor). The grandmother replies that she wishes she would have married him because he had died all a a couple of(prenominal) years ago, a very wealthy man (Oconnor), as if wealth is the most important factor in deciding whom to marry. Nearly everytime the chirdren speak their comments reak of the condescending, corrupt influence of their grandmother.Had the Grandmother put more emphasis on actually practicing Christian values than just appearing to be a godly person she would not have had the relaxed attitutte towards lying which led her to her death. Fearing her shake off ,Pitty Sing , might brush against one of her gas burners and accidentally fret himself(Oconnor), she sneaks the cat into the car. She knows that her son Bailey has good reason for not wanting the cat to accompany them on the trip and would not allow it, but this does not stop her. The Grandmother later tells a story to the children about a plantation she used to visit when she was younger.Sh e believes he house to be a little way down a dirt road they passed on the highway. She begins to have a burning, almost childish, desire to revisit this landmark and so lies to the children. Knowing it will manipulate the children into helping her persuade their parents to visit the house, she tells them there was a secret-panel in this house(Oconnor) which all the family silver was hidden in(Oconnor). As expected, the children begin whining untill their father, Bailey, agrees to make a one and only time(Oconnor) exception to the trip itenerary and visit the plantation.The Grandmothers john top offs to Bailey wrecking the car. The cat becomes statled leaps onto his neck, causing him to jerk the wheel in firght and lead the car into a ditch. Due to the Grandmothers lack of morals, the family is leftover helpless and injured on the side of a near delinquent road. As exzibited in devout priests, nuns, and missionaries, altruisticness is highly valued in Christianity. The Grandmo ther would like for people to think of her as a selfless christian role model, but her actions prove her to be quite the opposite. forrader the family sets out on the trip she attempts to manupulate them into going to Tennessee instead of Florida. She actually wants to go visit some old friends in her former home state, but she attempts to scare the family into changing their destionation. Had she not been so selfish, she would not have so clearly noted and remembered that The Misfit is aloose from the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida(Oconnor), and therefor would not have clearly recognized him when he stops to help the family later in the story.The Misfit made the decision to kill the family in order to cover his tracks only after the grandmother verbalized that she identified him. Her selfish attitude unplowed her from realizing that it was likely not in her families best interest to blurt out this realizatioin. It clearly shows that even in the most dire of situatioins no on e elses well being was even close to the forfront of her toughts. The Gandmothers trope of selfishness is not cohearent with her claimed Christian ties, and unwittingly led her and her family to be massacred.The politition who claims everyone should be colour in order to save the planet but continues to travel in a private jet, The religious leader who preaches meantal purity and is found to have a drug habit, or even the parent who tells their child do as I say, not as I do hypocracy in all forms has its victims. OConnor was known to be a devout roman print Cathloic and likely resented people who, like the Grandmother in this story, were good at pretending to be religious but had no actual commitment. Unfortuantly for the Grandmother her first selfless act came to late.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
The Life and Inventions of Thomas Edison
doubting Thomas Edison was born in 1847 on February 11th in Milan, Ohio to heart and soul class parents and died on October 18, 1931, in West Orange, New Jersey. In 1854, his family move to the vibrant city of Port Huron, Michigan, which ultimately exceeded the commercial excellence of two Milan and Odessa which were the two places Edison had lived. One of the many inventions established by Edison was the tin screw up phonograph. When Edison was working on his invention he noticed that the tape of the car sprang off a noise resembling spoken words when worked at a high speed.The machine had 2 needles in it one was used for recordings and the some other for playbacks, the machine plays cylinders rather than disks. At around the age of 12, Edison started to lose his hearing. What caused this to move on was a train conductor smacked him in the ears when he started a enkindle in a boxcar whilst doing experiments. Edison was an inquisitive child but also a poor student as his mind often wandered. Edison was the youngest of 7 siblings.One day when Edison was at school his school teacher screamed at him and said that he was rather addled. When his mother found out that someone had discovered him as a scientist his mother was very furious and pulled him out of school and she hmoe schooled him instead. * doubting Thomas EDISONS INVENTIONS. 2013. THOMAS EDISONS INVENTIONS. ONLINE Available at http//www. thomasedison. com/Inventions. htm. Accessed 17 March 2013. * Thomas Edison archives Facts, Birthday, Life Story Biography. com . 2013.Thomas Edison Biography Facts, Birthday, Life Story Biography. com . ONLINE Available at http//www. biography. com/people/thomas-edison-9284349. Accessed 17 March 2013. * Thomas Edison The Inventions of Thomas Edison. 2013. Thomas Edison The Inventions of Thomas Edison. ONLINE Available at http//inventors. about. com/library/inventors/bledison. htm. Accessed 18 March 2013. * Edison Biography. 2013. Edison Biography. ONLINE Av ailable at http//www. thomasedison. com/biography. html. Accessed 21 March 2013.
Society and Rules
Expository piece Carla Franz While the rules of social club are meant to protect us, they exclude some individuals. As humans bugger off up into parts of familiarity, they are connected by the rules which guide them in their thoughts and actions. How incessantly, as time progresses and societies change, umteen individuals are excluded due to new rules that put across them. balk by me demonstrates the only do laws change over time, yet the societies that dictate them change as well.These rules are changed by the people who personate lessons to the est. of the world a powerful example is the classic film Stand by me which demonstrates the will of the four protagonists who are excluded from their society. Gourde, Chris, Teddy and Fern are the principal(prenominal) characters that get under ones skin negative relationships and past with their family this had a major impact on their segregation from their surround society.A key scene from the film is the conversation between Gourde and Chris they state how they acknowledge the weirdness in each other moreover to a fault agreed that everyone is weird. This is one of the many prime examples how any individuals are excluded due to there weirdness and failure of following others in society. legion(predicate) individuals have been excluded from society over the years. Especially as young adolescents, we keister become immersed into the rules of society.A well known quote is all actions have bene leads or consequences. This saying is demonstrated in many of todays societies. Being individuals, if you do non fit in or follow societies rules you will be tease or looked at funny, people try to change themselves to fit in and live up to societies satisfaction. Author Glenda Millard explores this in A Small gratis(p) Kiss in the Dark. Skip one of the main protagonists in the hold up who has Just progressed into his early adolescent years showing his innocent discover of his world.Skip was an odd one at n urture, he wrote notes to his teacher making up excuses for not having friends he also invented other notes he would take to school to have permission to put his hands in the sky because that is how he finds about the light. One of the many excuses Skip has for not having friends is a simplistic note explaining that he isnt approximate at math, the others might think he was dumb. The note Skip wrote is telling us firstly, skip is scared he will be Judged by society because he is not good at maths and portrayed as dumb, secondly he was often excluded at school because he didnt like the thought of having a friend.This is another example of how young individuals are excluded from society due to not being the smartest in his class or not wanting to associate with other kids at school. Political exclusion is another major form of being excluded in society. Being denied the basic right to participate way in which society excluded the four protagonists, because of their past, showing the audience the brutal ways in which many individuals are excluded.A Small Free Kiss in the Dark also powerfully demonstrates how the four protagonists often grapple with their past and come unitedly as excluded individuals of their own society. People come up with new rules to fit the changing society surrounding them, from the things people wear to the things people eat. As time has shown the changing says society operates in, it also bares the individuals that are excluded because of the rules that are ever changing.Not in who runs the country and how it is run has affected the human race since the substructure of communities. North Korea, Russia and Syria are Just a few of the many countries in the world who have dictatorship rulers, this form of commands the rules in which their society runs by. rough of the rules set forth by the surrounding societies in Arabic countries have a substantial effect on the population, rules such as having a virile accomplice when in public can m ake the male population feel excluded from there society.As previously mentioned the political exclusion affects the surrounding societies substantially, making some individuals feel excluded and left out. The rules of society are meant to protect and guide us in greater communities. Some of the rules exclude individuals, because of religion, direction and in political ways. People try to change themselves to fit in society, because if you dont blend in with society you will be looked at otherwise and simply be excluded.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Bret Harte Essay
The United States has nigh of the best books that has ever been written. American literature is precise well refined and unique from other countries. In the make-up world, American literature has not even been around that long. The recent 337 old age that America has been a country is relatively short comp atomic number 18d to the thousands of years that literature has existed. The human beingsy great American writers are what make American literature equal to overcome its short lifespan and be oneness of the greatest countries for literature in the world.From Washington Irving to Mark Twain, American authors are responsible for American literatures current amazing state. matchless certain author played an especially important role in shaping a specific genre in American literature. Bret Harte is the man responsible for making the western genre of literature popular. His stories are captivating. Bret Harte was able to contribute to the rise of American literature by shapin g the Hesperian genre so that other authors may adapt to his new musical mode of writing, and by writing some of the most memorable stories of all age, much(prenominal) as The Outcasts of Poker Flat. Bret Harte was born in Albany, New York, on appalling 25, 1836. He was raised as one of his familys four children. Harte was very ill from ages six to ten, which gave him free time for recitation (Franks 829). This time for reading had a great influence on Harte, giving him blocks for him to build on in his writing career. He was especially affected by the literary works of British author Charles Dickens (Franks 829). His family was so poor, that they were unable to afford for him to closing school (Franks 829). When his father died in 1845, Harte and his family move to Brooklyn.When his mother became engaged again, he and his family moved to Oakland, where his mother was get married. His family was still very poor though. These times of misfortune were also very influential on his writing. He was able to meet difficult struggles, thus making the problems that his characters face in his stories more interesting. He connected with his characters in more trends when they would experience times of hardship. His time in Oakland is what do him much(prenominal) a great westward writer. It do writing about the Wild West natural for him.Harte then moved to Union, California, but was run out of town after publishing a newspaper story about local white men slaughtering Indians. Harte married Anna Griswold, and they had four children together. They lived together in San Francisco, where Harte wrote most of his popular stories and became quite famous. During the visor of his popularity, he signed a contract with The Atlantic Monthly for $10,000 for 12 stories a year, the most money then offered to a U. S. writer (Hutchinsons). His fame led to his stories becoming even more popular, but it would also go to his head.The important genre used in most of Hartes stories is the occidental. According to The New Encyclopedia Britannica, the Western is defined as an authorized genre of novels and short stories, motion pictures, and television and radio shows that are lay out in the American West, usually in the period from the 1850s to the end of the nineteenth century, (598). An average Western story was about a cowboy battle Indians or a sheriff catching a perverting guy, but Harte made his special. Of those stories, one of the most popular is The Outcasts of Poker Flat. This story is about a group of people who are kicked out of their town for being bad people. They strict up camp together and attempted to work with each other to stay alive. The group experiences many setbacks, including a member betraying them, a long snowstorm, and a shortage of food. While the reader watches the story unfold, he or she starts to see that these people really are not that bad, and possibly they did not deserve this punishment. This story is very dif ferent from the traditional Western stories.In The Outcasts of Poker Flat, Harte is able to make criminals seem like sizable guys. Usually a Western is about a perfect main character, who stops the bad guys but in this story, the main characters are some of the worst people in the town. His is also different from traditional Westerns in the way that it does not have any guns. When most people telephone of a Western, they think of guns, but Harte was able to change that. He wrote a story with no guns at all, and it is able to focus more on the characters and their feelings, rather than action and violence.Harte goes far beyond the ordinary way of writing with this story. In the opening paragraph of The Outcasts of Poker Flat, Harte writes As Mr. John Oakhurst, gambler, stepped into the main street of Poker Flat on the morning of the twenty-third of November, 1850, he was conscious of a change in its moral atmosphere since the forward night. Two or three men, conversing earnestly together, ceased as he approached, and exchange significant glances. There was a Sabbath lull in the air, which, in a settlement unused to Sabbath influences, looked ominous.(The Outcasts of Poker Flat) As is visible in this paragraph, Harte was a very descriptive writer. He was able to paint a picture in the readers mind and effectively set his storys mood. The characters that Harte used in this story were very significant. As said by Abby H. P. Werlock, his characters included the stoic gambler, the soft-hearted prostitute, the unthinking drunk, and the vigilante delegacy driven by personal interests and blinded by the passion of a moment (Werlcok). All of these characters that Harte used are still seen in many Western stories today.In fact, they are quite typical in ultramodern Western stories, but Harte was the one to come up with them. Shaping the Western genre and writing some of the most memorable stories of all time, such as The Outcasts of Poker Flat, was how Bret Harte w as able to contribute to the rise of American literature. after Hartes era, Westerns became much more popular. He forever changed American literature to be much more Western themed. Harte will always be remembered as one of the best authors of all time, and more specifically, the man who changed the way Western stories are written.
Original writing assignment Essay
It was a beautiful sight, picturesque even, any around were fields of lush parking area grass with steep hills, deep v altogethereys and evergreen trees. In social movement of him thither was a lake with beautiful sparkling racy water, with beavers going about their insouciant business, fishes swimming and birds singing. However, as he glanced across to the other side of the lake the male child laid eyes upon an almighty cave. The water on this side of the lake was chocolate- embrownish with dead fish floating on the surface. The banks surrounding this part of the lake were simply bare rocks threatening to crush any affaire with the misfortune of touching them. on that point were no birds singing or beavers playing. Not a single living thing dwelled on those premises and it was obvious why. Who in there right minds would instead live there than on the stunning view that was just meters from the pitch-dark scene? The son drew his gaze away from the lake and noticed umpteen little buildings with thatched roofs and moreover maven outrage. In forward of these unusual and sure as shooting old-fashioned buildings s likewised shrimpy families of people all dressed in moderately much the said(prenominal) way. The women wore long brown and white frilly dresses. They all looked like servants.The men also wore brown and white unaccompanied these were brown tattered trousers and a white V-necked shirt. At a glance bulge at his attire, the boy noticed he was wearing scarcely the same as the other boys that he had seen. He was tired and decided that he should get some rest a fall from the sky into unacquainted(predicate) territory can really select it out of you. The three-year-old boy slow advanced towards the nearest house. He was walking straight towards the 3 people stood in front of it, but the didnt even attend to have noticed him. The boy was only 20 metres from them nowadaysadays but their gaze was still fixed to where he had first lan ded.He was now only 10 metres from them and could clearly see e really single feller on their skin. That was then he noticed the boy in front was not only dressed identically to him he was also exactly the same height and build with the same blonde hair blue eyes. He even had exactly the same horseshoe shaped nevus on his neck. The young boy looked extremely confused and turned to the women in a desperate search for an explanation. To his horror, the woman was looking straight through with(predicate) him. This looking of horror rapidly swapped itself with a feeling of utter disbelief, he recognised this women but where from.He opened is mouth to ask if she too recognised him. However, as in brief as the first letter rolled of his tongue and dissipated into the air the almighty rumbling started again. This was much worsened then the soft rumbling he had become accustomed to during his dreams. This was a full-blown earthquake style rumbling. The whole ground was shaking. The voi ces started again. He could in conclusion make sense of the voices Help David, the cave, help it started of with just the women but very quickly the rest of the people joined in. He finally acquire where he recognised that woman from. It was his mum, but it wasnt.It couldnt be it had to be a bad dream. The voices were unbelievably loud now. He could not take much more of this. David dropped to his knees willing himself to wake up. He didnt. Of course, he didnt He couldnt. There was only one thing he could do. The young boy sprinted to the cave, as soon as his size 7 station made contact with the cold grey stone the voices stopped, and the rumbling subsided. The inner(a) of the cave was massive. David was standing in what seemed to be an ally. It had a grey floor and red-stone wall. In this alley of a cave ran a small, dirty brown decant.David decided to follow the stream. The silence was deafening. He was right in the union of his worst nightmares yet the scene he was now livi ng resembled his dreams in no way what so ever. He was expecting an increasingly loud murmuring as he became ever closer to the source of all his careful nights. However, it was in no way at all like this. solely David could hear was the splat as his feet slapped against the wet floor. All he could do was walk straight into the caves belly, he could not go back outside, he couldnt face the screaming. He had to sort this, now, once and for all.The relatively small walk was taking forever, a whole hour seemed to have passed as David walked through the cave however in reality it was closer to a minute. At last, the young boy had reached his destination. It certainly was not what he had expected. He was standing on a floor of grey stone. In front of him was a ring of water. Inside this ring was a small island containing one thing and one thing only a white, round crystal. A rickety rope bridge hung loosely over the deep obscure water. This was the end he had reached the end of the c ave, the end of the nightmares.It had to be something to do with that crystal, but what? David had obviously made his mind up as he guardedly walked to the bridge. He checked the ropes, it seemed secure enough but there was only one way to find out. He raised his foot and slowly but surely placed his foot on to the bridge. As soon as his foot connected with the nearly rotten wood an almightily falsetto scream pierced through the silence, the rumbling once again move Davids brain, and a short stab of bright light temporarily illuminated the area before subsiding into a low shimmer.The rumbling didnt stop, it got considerably worse. The bridge was shaking water was spraying from the stream in huge waves. He had to keep going, this torture had to end. David lunged and grabbed the crystal. A searing inconvenience oneself swarmed through Davids entire body. A brilliant light blind him. Everything went white. David could no longer hear the high-pitched screams he did not feel the ice- cold water flooding over the top of him. The rumbling stopped, so did the screaming and the crystal returned to the dull colourless state in which it started.David was nowhere to be seen. All this happened 14 years ago. I have been all alone here ever since, still experiencing the same horrific dreams. Although now its all changed. You are here. The man thrust his hands forwards, palms out. There was writing burnt into the skin. Help David Our Saviour. Harry Litchfield Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of guide is one of many that can be found in our GCSE multifarious section.
International Journal Of Engineering Research and General Science ISSN-2091-2730
internationalistic Journal of Engineering Research and popular cognition (ISSN 2091-2730), Impact component (3.72 ICV) is an open access peer review publication which is established for produce the latest trends in engineering. We give priority to quality papers which stress on basic and important concept through which there would be remarkable contribution to the seek argonna and also publish the true research work in the field of science, engineering and technologies.This publication welcomes any the original research papers, conceptual articles, reviewed papers from horrific fields of science and technology and moreover papers argon selected and be reviewed by our unspoiled editorial team as per the paper forwarded by assistant editorial in chief. Our strong team member impart come stick out to you with all the feedback within a week.The papers so accepted are to undergo certain criteria of P&R publication and finally it will be in online with in a week. Any research which are carried on for the prompt impact to the society and which also contribute for environmental conservation are given special priority.Call For Research Papers Vol.2 slue 2Its our privilege to invite you to submit your research work in our daybook which is influencing the world with the concept of innovation and techniques. You can send your paper on any of this discipline1. Civil engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, tuition Technology, Electronic and communication engineering, aeronautical engineering, General engineering, resources engineering and other tremendous discipline of engineering field.2. Medicine, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, general biology, Physic, Chemistry, Mathematics and other field of general science.You can send your Manuscripts to our asso editor in chief via email- emailprotected, emailprotectedPROCESS Of REVIEWOur review offshoot is double-blinded that is the reviewer does not know t he author(s) detail and meanwhile author(s) also are unaware about the reviewer. Authors are finally put upd with the feedback of the paper.AIM & SCOPEThis journal is commenced with the aim of assisting the researchers to provide the best platform to expose their innovation and thoughts. we appreciate the new visual sense and innovative thoughts that helps in research and findings.We also aims to commence own research platform through which tremendous innovation will be carried on very soon.For Detail-
Thursday, February 21, 2019
American Dream: Then and Now Essay
hypothesise you ar one and only(a) of the early settlers in the States. You left Europe, a creative activity full of religious persecution, political oppression and poverty behind you. You wipe out dreams like-Personal freedom, self-fulfill manpowert, dignity and happiness,-Economic things, like prosperity and mastery-Rising from poverty to fame and spate (from rags to riches)-Social dreams of compare and a classless society-Religious dreams of religious freedom in a promised get to in which they were Gods chosen muckle-Political dream of democracyIts in the soul of Americans and it is reflected in base beliefs and values. Some of important foundation stones are-The Declaration of Independence in 1776.Its the legal foundation of the American Dream and states that all men are created equal and that every citizen has a right to life, liberty and the involvement of happiness-The Bill of Rights in 1791.It limits the powers of the central. Federal government and confirms the f reedom and equality of all American citizens.-The Frontier 1790 till 1890The moving of pioneers westward and the brass section of the North American continent. Since then the frontier spirit roots in American souls. -In 1865 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery after the end of the Civil struggle -In 1920 do all American women get the right to vote-1870 vote rights are extended to all adult males of all races -Franklin D. Roosevelt apply in overcome the extreme poverty and inequalities that resulted from the Great Depression of the 1920s -As a result of Martin Luther Kings Civil Rights Movement and his dream of a colour-blind society, racial segregation in public places, scools, etc. and affair discrimination are banned in 1964This way of fighting for ones nation dream gives America its character and is still divided up by most Americans todayIndividualismIn the early days, the success of most Americans depended on their ability to confront the gruellingships and challenges of the wilderness on their own. Today, the idealization of the self-reliant, self-sufficient, independent individual is still alive. Government regulation is often resisted, and it is seen as the individuals responsibility to make a living and imitate in a competitive society.FreedomThe freest and best society in the world, superior to every other nation. Their country as a accept haven for those longing for individual freedom and opportunity.Mobility optimism flexibilitySettling the westside meant making a fresh start in a land of spaciousness. Today with the same smell out of optimism about their chances to succeed, Americans are still wide-awake to move great distances to improve their lives through a better romp or a more pleasant climate. They also accept a high degree of social mobility (upward and downward) on the ladder of success as a fact of life, and relate this success primarily to individual skill and their own flexibility when looking for new opportunities.Hard rele aseharmonize to the Puritan work ethic, it was the individuals duty to work hard and to show self discipline. Material success through hard work was seen as a sign of Gods favour and a good education as the key to prosperity.PatriotismForeign visitors to America are quick to observe numerous patriotic symbols. American flags are omnipresent, and stickers announce Im proud to be an American. field of study holidays such as Thanksgiving and Independence Day (4th of July) intensify the sense of national pride.An actual topic is the weapons law culminated.On Friday the 14th of declination a heavily armed atom smasherman killed 26 people, including 20 children from 5 to 10 years old, in a rampage at a Connecticut elementary school. It was one of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. According to the character of America Individualism, freedom and personal responsibility, a lap of Americans would say, thats important to have guns. Like defense yourself if you have toIts like you ta ke the Alcohol out of Germans society.Germans without Beer.But this problem is a much bigger than alcohol because it takes a lot of human lives and its a problem of basics in many American minds. The gun lobby wants to prepare schools with armed teacher and security guys. Obama wants rigorouser laws, but whether he really achieves it, its a matter of how Americans think over themselves and their dreams and how affectionate the gun lobby really is. What do you think is it possible for Obama to strict gun laws in America, according to the actually American dream?
Guyana-Land of Many Waters Essay
Guyana (guy-anna),6 officially the Co-operative Republic of Guyana,1 is a sovereign evoke on the northern coast of federation America. culturally Guyana is part of the Anglophone Caribbean. Guyana is one of the few Caribbean countries that is not an island. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), of which Guyana is a member, has its secretariats headquarters in Guyanas capital, Georgetown. Guyana was originally colonized by the Netherlands. Later, it became a British colony and remained so for over 200 geezerhood until it achieved independence on 26 May 1966 from the United realm. On 23 February 1970, Guyana officially became a republic.In 2008, the country joined the Union of South American Nations as a founding member. Guyana, a member dry land of the Commonwealth of Nations, is the only South American nation whose official wrangle is English. historically, the region cognise as Guiana or Guyana comprised the large shield land mass north of the Amazon River and east of the Orinoc o River known as the Land of many an(prenominal) amniotic fluid. Historical Guyana consists of three Dutch colonies Essequibo, demerara, and Berbice. Modern Guyana is bordered by Suri unwrap to the east by Brazil to the south and south westmost by Venezuela to the west and by the Atlantic Ocean to the north.At 215,000 square kilometres (83,000 sq mi), Guyana is the third-smallest independent state on the mainland of South America after Uruguay and Suriname. Its population is approximately 770,000. The name Guyana is derived from Guiana, the original name for the region that now includes Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and parts of Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. agree to the Oxford English Dictionary, the name comes from an Amerindian word meaning land of many waters. here are nine Native American tribes residing in Guyana the Wai Wai, Machushi, Patamona, Arawak, Carib, Wapishana, Arecuna, Akawaio, and Warrau.Historically the Arawak and Carib tribes dominated Guyana. Although C hristopher Columbus sighted Guyana during his third voyage (in 1498), the Dutch were the initial to establish colonies Essequibo (1616), Berbice (1627), and Demerara (1752). After the British assumed control in the late 18th century, the Dutch formally ceded the area in 1814. In 1831 the three separate colonies became a single British colony known as British Guiana. A map of Dutch Guiana 16671814. Since Independence in 1824, Venezuela has claimed the area of land to the west of the Essequibo River.Simon Bolivar wrote to the British government warning against the Berbice and Demerara settlers settling on land which the Venezuelans claimed was theirs. In 1899 an international tribunal govern the land belonged to Great Britain. Map of British Guiana. Guyana achieved independence from the United Kingdom on 26 May 1966 and became a republic on 23 February 1970, remaining a member of the Commonwealth. The US State Department and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), along with the Br itish government, played a strong role in influencing political control in Guyana during this time.The American government supported Forbes Burnham during the early years of independence because Cheddi Jagan was identified as a Marxist. They provided secret financial support and political campaign advice to Burnhams Peoples National Congress, to the detriment of the Jagan-led Peoples advanced Party, which was mostly supported by Native American Guyanese. In 1978, Guyana standard international notice when 918 members of the American cult, Peoples Temple, died in a mass rack up/suicide.Most of the suicides were American and more than 300 children were killed the people were members of a convention led by Jim Jones in Jonestown, the settlement which they had created. Jim Jones bodyguards had earlier attacked people landing at a small remote airstrip close to Jonestown, cleanup spot five people, including Leo Ryan, the only congressman ever murdered in the line of duty in US histo ry. In May 2008, president Bharrat Jagdeo was a signatory to the UNASUR Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations. Guyana has ratified the treaty.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
House Wife Essay
India is a land of fairs and feasts. As different communities belonging to different religions have it off here, at that placefore m any festivals are noteworthy regularly e genuinely yr. Among these festivals, nearly are whole toneual some are based on seasons sm every(prenominal)-arm some are of kingdomal importance. all in all the festivals are celebrated with keen enthusiasm in a sporty atmosphere. Diwali, Dussehra, Raksha Bandhan, Id-ul-Fitr, Id-ul-Zuha, Christmas, Mahavir Jayanti, Gurunanak Jayanti, Ganesh Chaturhi etc. are the religious festivals of India. These festivals are celebrated by different communities but they are celebrated as a whole. We can see festive atmosphere everywhere in India. Holi, Baisakhi, Basant Panchami, Bihu, Pongal, Onam etc. are seasonal or harvest festivals.The spirit of Holi is colour-rich and vibrant, flung into the air and smeared with immense joy on friends and dear onces. This festival tag the end of winter season and advent of b right mean solar days of summer. Baisakhi, a harvest festival, is celebrated in North India, particularly in Punjab and Haiyana, when the Rabi curtail is ready for harvesting. In South India, during the same period, Pongal is celebrated. The farmers worship the sun, the earth and the oxen as thanks giving for a bounteous harvest. And then there is Basant Panchami. It marks the arrival of sweet spring the season of pleasant breeze, flowers and fragrance. All fill life with vigour and vitality. Hence plurality celebrate this festival with great zeal and excitement. Then comes our terra firmaal festivals- the independence Day, The commonwealth day and the Gandhi Jayanti these festivals are celebrated by all communities through out the country. The Independence Day celebrated on 15th August every year reminds us those numerous freedom fighters that made the Britishers leave the country.They gave us our long-cherished freedom. The Republic day, which falls on 26th January, is obser ved with national feeling. This festival fills us with pride that now we live in a sovereign elected republic country with a constitution of our own. On this day colourful parade starts from Vijay Chowk which ends at the Red Fort. Similarly Gandhi Jayanti is also celebrated nation wide. It falls on 2nd October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of Nation. Whole nation pays heartiest tribute to our revered soul, who lived and died for the country. The festivals make our life colourful and enthusiastic. They bring people together. They come every year to make us forget all ill-will and communal hatred the festivals strengthen the feeling of oneness too people,without any malice, meet with one another and wish for bright future. Thus, festivals are very important and they must be celebrated with pomp and show by all.
The Latifundia System in Rome
The latifunda system, which established first in ancient Rome around 2nd century BC, were large farms which were owned by the wealthy classes. The latifundia became common in the Roman Empire as a result of the decline of Roman moral values and the political corruption that resulted from the acquisition of wealth and power that the Empire brought. With the breakdown of the pax Romana and the inability of Roman law to provide security, small landowners increasingly sour to larger, much powerful estates for security.Peasants turned over their land to the latifundia and formed a new class called the slaves. Slaves from conquered territory were bought and forced to manage and work. The abundant generate of slaves led to increase in worse labor condition and reduction in free laborers on these large estates. These estates turned plantation systems include a lot of working slaves, known as Latifundias, became popular and dissemination throughout many regions in the Roman. In my opin ion, it is not ignorable that the latifundia led to great increase in production and trade, so more profit and wealth. only these gains served only the wealthy landowners.Latifundia benefited the elite class greatly, because it provided freedom as merchant traders and they used cheap slave labour force to gain more agricultural or animal product. With the latifundia, instead of previous demands to grow grain, a new age of demesne was introduced, producing olive oil and wine, and herding sheep and cattle for trade. In my opinion the increasing scatter between lords and slaves was a negative heart of latifunda that lead to some social problems. For instance, only the wealthy could afford to letting this land they eventually began treating it as if it were their own and not the states.The small farmers and slaves became to wager on the wealthy class and lose their freedom. Sometimes there are several protests were all in attempt to lessen the power gap between the wealthy and p oor, but, as the protests kept being overturned. However tensity between the wealthy and peasants continued to increase. One of the important negative do of latifundia system is Over-farming. As independent farmers were replaced by large slave-farmed estates the basis of farming became short-term profit so there was little done in terms of conservation or properly fertilizing crops, so fertility decreased quickly in these agricultural areas. Large areas of southern Italy became literal system bowls, as they remain today.As a result, Italy could no longer feed itself. In sum, although the latifunda system raised the production and trade, it lead to negative social and environmental condition which would cause bigger problem in future in Rome.
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