Saturday, August 31, 2019

Out, Out by Robert Frost Essay

Having Shakespeare’s Macbeth as the primary inspiration for this poem has actual made the message of the entire poem much related to life and the length that it particularly runs. The idea that the author would likely want to send to his readers is rather related to the fact of how much life is less valued by many simply because of being focused in things that they believe are more important than their lives. Using the boy as a primary character In the poem naturally intends to mirror that fact that life could be ended even during one’s youth. Doing away with misleading idea of child labor, the poem authored by Robert Frost simply aims to give a brief description on life’s being unpredictable and most of the time uncertain. Yes, as Shakespeare compares the human life to a candle that could be put out of light anytime, frost uses a more direct referral to humans through the boy as the ones having the shortest span of time to live on earth simply because of unworthy accidents that causes some people’s existence on earth. Another face of the said poem is directed to the fact that humans are usually over indulged in their works, their responsibilities that they are already disregarding their health with careless acts of self-abuse with regards the capacity of their physical being to take the stresses that they continuously accept from work. Undoubtedly, through reports, it could then be observed that many employees who are rather employed in huge companies right now and are over absorbed in their jobs are the first ones to suffer from heart ailments and other stress-based sickness that causes their enthusiasm to even complete their tasks. Worse case s that, some work to death, that they actually receive death itself at the end of the line, having nothing to keep for themselves from all the hard works that they have accomplished when they were still living. Yes, it is the primary goal of the author of this poem to help people realize the fact that they are indeed living in a short-spanned time that they need to be careful of their acts, their decisions and their choices. Absolutely, it could not be denied that this call goes out to every age, every gender and every race that are standing as members of the human society. Taking one’s own years of life in much care and security would allow one to feel the essence of life much better. Yes, the approach of Robert Frost in using a young child as the depicting matter that explains human behavior towards life is indeed effective in showing the readers the real message behind the narration. Undoubtedly, it is through this approach that the concerns of human individuals are given clearer description and distinction as to how they are actually seen and observed in the society today. Using Shakespeare’s writing as a major inspiration for this literary piece also made it more mystique in presentation yet deep in explanation. Certainly, it could not be denied that readers of this poem could easily be enticed to the use of rather practical approach in referring human individuals to a young child who is supposed to have longer years of life ahead of him and yet whose life was cut short immediately by an accident and later on was immediately forgotten by the people around him as they have also their own lives to handle.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Managing Change: Important for Business Organizations

â€Å"The ability to managing change Is an important factor for today's business organization to remain competitive and relevant† Critically analyze and discuss the above statement and in particular discussed the type of changes that an organization is subjected to and the effect of these changes to the organization.In addition, your discussion should include strategies in managing these changes Assessment Requirements Individual Type-written Report Maximum word length allowed is 3000 words The required content of the document produced Is required to be within specific axiom work lengths (In brackets) and to cover the specific areas as follows:- 1. A table of contents 2. A list of figures and/ or list of tables where appropriate 3. Executive Summary-( 10 marks -300 words) 4. Introduction -( 10 marks -300 words) 5.Literature Review-& Critical Analysis (60 marks -2100 words) 6. Conclusions- -( 10 7. References Presentation – 10 marks 8. Bibliography 9. Appendices if appro priate This assignment Is worth 50% of the final assessment of the module. Student is required to submit a type-written document in Microsoft Word format with Times New Roman font type, size 12 and line spacing of 1. 5. The Harvard Style of Referencing system is COMPULSORY. Necessary citations and references adopting the Harvard Referencing System.Students who have been found to have committed acts of Plagiarism are automatically considered to have failed the entire semester. If found to have breached the regulation for the second time, you will be asked to leave the course. Plagiarism involves taking someone else's words, thoughts, ideas or essays from online essay banks and trying to pass them off as your own. It is a form of cheating which is taken very seriously. Take care of your work and keep it safe. Don't leave it lying around where your classmates can find it.Malaysian Qualifications Agency Learning Outcomes Module Learning Outcome After completing the module, the student s hould be able to: Advance a multidimensional understanding of the drivers of globalization Critically evaluate a range of normative questions in relation to the effects of globalization on the economy and organization Have insights into contingency factors of technological advancement and environmental uncertainty which influence the decision to globalize Notes on Plagiarism & Harvard Referencing Plagiarism Plagiarism is passing off the work of others as your own.This constitutes academic theft and is a serious matter which is penalized in assignment marking. Plagiarism is the submission of an item of assessment containing elements of work produced by another person(s) in such a way that it could be assumed to be the student's own work.Examples of plagiarism are: the verbatim copying of another person's work thou acknowledgement the close paraphrasing of another person's work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without acknowledgement the unacknowled ged quotation of phrases from another person's close paraphrasing with occasional acknowledgement of the source may also be deemed to be plagiarism if the absence of quotation marks implies that the phraseology is the student's own.Plagiarisms work may belong to another student or be from a published source such as a book, report, Journal or material available on the internet. Harvard Referencing The structure of a citation under the Harvard referencing system is the author's surname, year of publication, and page number or range, in parentheses, as illustrated in the Smith example near the top of this article. The page number or page range is omitted if the entire work is cited. The author's surname is omitted if it appears in the text. Thus we may say: â€Å"Jones (2001) revolutionized the field of trauma surgery. Two or three authors are cited using â€Å"and† or â€Å"&†: (Deane, Smith, and Jones, 1991) or (Deane, Smith ; Jones, 1991). More than three authors are cited using et al. (Deane et al. 1992). An unknown date is cited as no date (Deane n. D. ). A reference to a reprint is cited with the original publication date in square brackets (Marx [1867] 1967, p. 90). If an author published two books in 2005, the year of the first (in the alphabetic order of the references) is cited and referenced as AAA, the second as Bibb. A citation is placed wherever appropriate in or after the sentence.If it is at the end of a sentence, it is placed before the period, but a citation for an entire block quote immediately follows the period at the end of the block since the citation is not an actual part of the quotation itself. Complete citations are provided in alphabetical order in a section following the text, usually designated as â€Å"Works cited† or â€Å"References. † The difference between a â€Å"works cited† or â€Å"references† list and a bibliography is that a bibliography may include works not directly cited in the text. All citations are in the same font as the main text. Examples Examples of book references are: Smith, J. (AAA).Dutch Citing Practices. The Hogue: Holland Research Foundation. Smith, J. (Bibb). Harvard Referencing. London: Jolly Good Publishing. In giving the city of publication, an internationally well-known city (such as London, The Hogue, or New York) is referenced as the city alone. If the city is not internationally well known, the country (or state and country if in the U. S. ) are given. An example of a Journal reference: Smith, John Maynard. â€Å"The origin of altruism,† Nature 393, 1998, up. 639-40. An example of a newspaper reference: Boycott, Owen. â€Å"Street Protest†, The Guardian, October 18, 2005, accessed February 7, 2006.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Police Discretion

Discretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices (Pollock, 2010). More specifically, it is defined as â€Å"the capacity to identify and to document criminal and noncriminal events† (Boivin &ump; Cordeau, 2011). Every police officer has a great deal of discretion concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer sees their duty to society will determine an officer’s discretion. Discretion leads to selective enforcement practices and may result in discrimination against certain groups of people or select individuals (Young, 2011).Most police officer discretion is exercised in situational situations with individuals (Sherman, 1984). Discrimination can lead to legal problems for an officer of the law. If discrimination due to an officer’s use of discretion results in a violation of due process it is a violation of the law (Young, 2010). Due process is the constitutionally mandated pr ocedural steps designed to eliminate error in any governmental deprivation of liberty, life, or property (Pollock, 2010). One of the main concerns with using discretion is the possibility of it leading to a violation of due process by racial profiling.Types of Negative Police Discretion Racial profiling occurs when a police officer uses a â€Å"profile† as reasonable suspicion to stop a person with the intent to obtain consent to search their belongings (Pollock, 2010). These stops are usually traffic stops and the officer is looking to obtain consent to search the individual’s automobile. The â€Å"profile† used is based on race. In these cases, an officer is using their discretion to target minority groups because they believe they are involved in criminal activities.The concern with using this profile is that racial stereotyping of minority groups will lead police to crack down on minorities more than on other groups. While police see the action of racial pro filing as a normal police tactic, minority groups see the actions as racist (Young, 2011). Although most studies on police officer discretion is focused on racial profiling, it has also been shown that officers patrol hot spots. Hot spots are areas known to have a high rate of criminal activity. Focusing on hot spots is an officer’s discretion, because they are ignoring other areas that could potential produce criminal activities.All surveillance and enforcement efforts are focused on the â€Å"hot† area. Not only are officers ignoring other areas, but they have determined those areas are not as important as the hot spot. Hot spots can prove to be problematic if the criminal activity located in the hot spot before it was being patrolled is moved to a new location. The new location is prone to no police surveillance because all resources are focused on the old hot spot (Mastrofski, 2011). Discretion and the Use of Force Police have the uncontested right to use force whe n necessary to apprehend a suspect.If the force exceeds that which is necessary it is defined as excessive force and is illegal. An officer’s discretion on use of force is a based on judgment. They do not know if a judge will later rule an instance of use of force as excessive or not. There is a fine line between what is considered acceptable force and what is considered excessive force. All an officer can do is use their training to determine what is and what is not excessive force for the given circumstances (Pollock, 2010). The use of force is highly resistant to change, even after the Rodney King incident.Rodney King was a subject of police brutality. He was repeatedly beat with a baton by Los Angeles police officers, while other officers stood by watching without attempting to stop the excessive force. The pattern of excessive force may be so ingrained in some police department cultures that it remains unaffected by other high profile excess force cases, such as the Rodn ey King case. This pattern is termed the â€Å"culture of force. † The culture of force is also subject to an officer’s discretion. The culture of force is detrimental to a department.The Los Angeles Police Department in the 1980s and 1990s would act on a tip and destroy homes by breaking toilets, ripping sofas, and spray painting â€Å"LAPD Rules! † on the walls. These acts by the Los Angeles Police Department prove the culture of the department will have an influence on the individual officer (Pollock, 2010). Police departments have use-of-force policies that specify when force may be used and the proper level of force to be used under given circumstances. Most departments use a continuum-of-force approach that allows proportional force to the suspect’s resistance.The level of force by an officer increases in direct response to escalating resistance of the suspect. Policies such as this one have been put into place following many humiliating acts of exc essive force. The policies are in place in an attempt to prevent future acts of excessive force (Pollock, 2010). Studies on Police Discretion National studies on police behavior have failed to adequately address the issue of police discretion. Due to the lack of important research data, analysts have developed suggestions on how to improve an individual officer’s discretion by educating the entire department on proper use of discretion.The current suggestions are focused on officers in higher ranks developing an educational program for their department addressing areas of needs they have observed. They are the eyes of the department, and it is there job to know what their officers needs entail. Each department will have different needs based on the ethical viewpoints of their individual officers (Mastrofski, 2011). A study on police discretion conducted in Canada was implemented to try to eliminate negative police discretion. The study first mandated that all reported violati ons of the law be recorded.The results of the study had effective but temporary results. There were more records of assaults, robberies, thefts, and mischief. However, the study had no effects on reports of burglaries and car thefts. It is estimated that during the one year study police recorded 13,000 extra crimes. Although there was an increase in records, detection and reporting rates remained the same. The extra recordings were determined to be ineffective because the community reported that they did not notice a difference in the policing styles (Boivin &ump; Cordeau, 2011). Ethical Dilemmas in Police DiscretionEthical dilemmas are â€Å"situations in which it is difficult to make a decision, either because the right course of action is not clear or the right course of action carries some negative consequences. † Ethical dilemmas entail the individual struggling with personal decision making, and sometimes results in a personal dilemma. Departmental policy can lead to pe rsonal dilemmas as well if it means going against an individual officer’s ethical system beliefs. This can lead to the officer seeking a change in law to match their own person views on the issue (Pollock, 2010).Utilitarianism is â€Å"the ethical system that claims the greatest good is that which results in the greatest happiness for the greatest number. † Utilitarianism therefore argues racial profiling is ethical because the â€Å"end† of drug interdictions justifies the â€Å"means† of harassing and inconveniencing the group. An argument against this justification is that when an officer uses racial profiling in decision making, the officer’s motives obscured. They do not concentrate on what is important for investigations. Behavior is what is important, not demographics (Pollock, 2010).Ethical formalism states that â€Å"the only thing truly good is a good will. † This ethical system does not agree with the idea of racial profiling. Acc ording to Pollock, it would mean that everyone should be stopped in the same way, so everyone would have to agree to be stopped numerous times every week. Since society most likely will not all agree that everyone should be stopped the same, racial profiling would not be an accepted practice in the ethical formalism system (Pollock, 2010). It is difficult to apply ethical systems to the use of deadly force and tasers. This is because each situation involving the use of force is different.At times an officer may benefit from the use of a taser, but other times the use, or threat of use, of a deadly weapon is more effective. Officers may argue that tasers do not always benefit the suspect because tasers do not always stop people. Departmental policies usually overrule ethics in the use of force. This is because officers have a duty of protection, so if they can accomplish their task without hurting the individual their duty would require the lesser use of force. Every officer has a du ty to prevent crime. If they feel an individual is a criminal based on race, then formal policies are going to conflict with their ethics.In other words, if an officer believes racial profiling is an effective method of policing their ethics are going to conflict with formal policies. An effective method to correct this conflict has been to educate officers on evidence that proves stopping minorities based on their race are less likely to result in criminal activity than stops based on behavioral-based criteria. Even with education, an officer’s ethics can still prevail over evidence learned in training. This is because the officer’s ethical standards still tell them racial profiling is more effective (Pollock, 2010).Training to Eliminate Unethical Police Discretion Practices Efforts to eliminate racial discrimination in the police culture are in the form of new officer recruitment and training and taught through patrol work. These measures are taken to eliminate negat ive discretion, such as racial profiling, by developing better relationships with the community regardless of the racial composition. The goal is to make police-citizen interactions more frequent, varied, and dispersed throughout the community (Mastrofski, 2011). A suggestion was made on how to police hot spots by Mastrofski.He suggested that instead of having officers stationed in hot spots with full personal discretion on how they police the area, they should be told how long to patrol the area or told what tactics to use in the area. This will eliminate complete personal discretion by the officers patrolling the hot spot areas. The time limit of policing the hot spot is to reduce the amount of neglect other areas in the community experience due to the policing of hot spot areas. The goal of this plan is to continue with the crack downs in hot spot zones without neglecting other areas in the community (Mastrofski, 2011).Conclusion Although this research paper focused on the negati ve effects of police discretion, there can also be positive effects. Things such as giving offenders of minor traffic violations less of a punishment or giving first time youth offenders less of a punishment to let them learn from their mistakes are examples of what can be termed positive police discretion. However, what is considered positive discretion to one person could be negative discretion to another. Every person has their own opinions about how police discretion should be handled.Some may think police should not be entitled to use discretion and every department should have policies the officers should follow instead. Other people may like that police have the use of discretion which could lead to a warning for a minor traffic violation instead of a fine. The topic of police discretion in relation to ethical dilemmas is also a heated debate. Since people have different ethics; every police officer will patrol a little different. It has been suggested that police departments educate their officers to be more uniform in their policing.Not only would this eliminate some of the negative discretion practices officers may have developed, it would also put all the officers on the same page with the way the department would like to have the community policed (Mastrofski, 2011). The concept of police discretion is a large topic of conversation among researchers. The problem I see with the topic of conversation is there is not a lot of research done on the actual affects of the individual discretion of each officer compared to a department that has been educated in following policies more than personal discretion.In fact, from what I saw there is not much research on the effects of discretion at all. It seems like it is a topic that is overlooked when researching the effectiveness of a department. I feel like before more solutions are found on how to correct the problem of discretion, more research needs to be done on how discretion plays a role in every day po licing. Until this research is conducted, all the articles published are on theories of discretion causing problems, and all of the solutions mentioned are methods to correct a problem that has not even been proven to be an issue yet. Police Discretion Discretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices (Pollock, 2010). More specifically, it is defined as â€Å"the capacity to identify and to document criminal and noncriminal events† (Boivin &ump; Cordeau, 2011). Every police officer has a great deal of discretion concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer sees their duty to society will determine an officer’s discretion. Discretion leads to selective enforcement practices and may result in discrimination against certain groups of people or select individuals (Young, 2011).Most police officer discretion is exercised in situational situations with individuals (Sherman, 1984). Discrimination can lead to legal problems for an officer of the law. If discrimination due to an officer’s use of discretion results in a violation of due process it is a violation of the law (Young, 2010). Due process is the constitutionally mandated pr ocedural steps designed to eliminate error in any governmental deprivation of liberty, life, or property (Pollock, 2010). One of the main concerns with using discretion is the possibility of it leading to a violation of due process by racial profiling.Types of Negative Police Discretion Racial profiling occurs when a police officer uses a â€Å"profile† as reasonable suspicion to stop a person with the intent to obtain consent to search their belongings (Pollock, 2010). These stops are usually traffic stops and the officer is looking to obtain consent to search the individual’s automobile. The â€Å"profile† used is based on race. In these cases, an officer is using their discretion to target minority groups because they believe they are involved in criminal activities.The concern with using this profile is that racial stereotyping of minority groups will lead police to crack down on minorities more than on other groups. While police see the action of racial pro filing as a normal police tactic, minority groups see the actions as racist (Young, 2011). Although most studies on police officer discretion is focused on racial profiling, it has also been shown that officers patrol hot spots. Hot spots are areas known to have a high rate of criminal activity. Focusing on hot spots is an officer’s discretion, because they are ignoring other areas that could potential produce criminal activities.All surveillance and enforcement efforts are focused on the â€Å"hot† area. Not only are officers ignoring other areas, but they have determined those areas are not as important as the hot spot. Hot spots can prove to be problematic if the criminal activity located in the hot spot before it was being patrolled is moved to a new location. The new location is prone to no police surveillance because all resources are focused on the old hot spot (Mastrofski, 2011). Discretion and the Use of Force Police have the uncontested right to use force whe n necessary to apprehend a suspect.If the force exceeds that which is necessary it is defined as excessive force and is illegal. An officer’s discretion on use of force is a based on judgment. They do not know if a judge will later rule an instance of use of force as excessive or not. There is a fine line between what is considered acceptable force and what is considered excessive force. All an officer can do is use their training to determine what is and what is not excessive force for the given circumstances (Pollock, 2010). The use of force is highly resistant to change, even after the Rodney King incident.Rodney King was a subject of police brutality. He was repeatedly beat with a baton by Los Angeles police officers, while other officers stood by watching without attempting to stop the excessive force. The pattern of excessive force may be so ingrained in some police department cultures that it remains unaffected by other high profile excess force cases, such as the Rodn ey King case. This pattern is termed the â€Å"culture of force. † The culture of force is also subject to an officer’s discretion. The culture of force is detrimental to a department.The Los Angeles Police Department in the 1980s and 1990s would act on a tip and destroy homes by breaking toilets, ripping sofas, and spray painting â€Å"LAPD Rules! † on the walls. These acts by the Los Angeles Police Department prove the culture of the department will have an influence on the individual officer (Pollock, 2010). Police departments have use-of-force policies that specify when force may be used and the proper level of force to be used under given circumstances. Most departments use a continuum-of-force approach that allows proportional force to the suspect’s resistance.The level of force by an officer increases in direct response to escalating resistance of the suspect. Policies such as this one have been put into place following many humiliating acts of exc essive force. The policies are in place in an attempt to prevent future acts of excessive force (Pollock, 2010). Studies on Police Discretion National studies on police behavior have failed to adequately address the issue of police discretion. Due to the lack of important research data, analysts have developed suggestions on how to improve an individual officer’s discretion by educating the entire department on proper use of discretion.The current suggestions are focused on officers in higher ranks developing an educational program for their department addressing areas of needs they have observed. They are the eyes of the department, and it is there job to know what their officers needs entail. Each department will have different needs based on the ethical viewpoints of their individual officers (Mastrofski, 2011). A study on police discretion conducted in Canada was implemented to try to eliminate negative police discretion. The study first mandated that all reported violati ons of the law be recorded.The results of the study had effective but temporary results. There were more records of assaults, robberies, thefts, and mischief. However, the study had no effects on reports of burglaries and car thefts. It is estimated that during the one year study police recorded 13,000 extra crimes. Although there was an increase in records, detection and reporting rates remained the same. The extra recordings were determined to be ineffective because the community reported that they did not notice a difference in the policing styles (Boivin &ump; Cordeau, 2011). Ethical Dilemmas in Police DiscretionEthical dilemmas are â€Å"situations in which it is difficult to make a decision, either because the right course of action is not clear or the right course of action carries some negative consequences. † Ethical dilemmas entail the individual struggling with personal decision making, and sometimes results in a personal dilemma. Departmental policy can lead to pe rsonal dilemmas as well if it means going against an individual officer’s ethical system beliefs. This can lead to the officer seeking a change in law to match their own person views on the issue (Pollock, 2010).Utilitarianism is â€Å"the ethical system that claims the greatest good is that which results in the greatest happiness for the greatest number. † Utilitarianism therefore argues racial profiling is ethical because the â€Å"end† of drug interdictions justifies the â€Å"means† of harassing and inconveniencing the group. An argument against this justification is that when an officer uses racial profiling in decision making, the officer’s motives obscured. They do not concentrate on what is important for investigations. Behavior is what is important, not demographics (Pollock, 2010).Ethical formalism states that â€Å"the only thing truly good is a good will. † This ethical system does not agree with the idea of racial profiling. Acc ording to Pollock, it would mean that everyone should be stopped in the same way, so everyone would have to agree to be stopped numerous times every week. Since society most likely will not all agree that everyone should be stopped the same, racial profiling would not be an accepted practice in the ethical formalism system (Pollock, 2010). It is difficult to apply ethical systems to the use of deadly force and tasers. This is because each situation involving the use of force is different.At times an officer may benefit from the use of a taser, but other times the use, or threat of use, of a deadly weapon is more effective. Officers may argue that tasers do not always benefit the suspect because tasers do not always stop people. Departmental policies usually overrule ethics in the use of force. This is because officers have a duty of protection, so if they can accomplish their task without hurting the individual their duty would require the lesser use of force. Every officer has a du ty to prevent crime. If they feel an individual is a criminal based on race, then formal policies are going to conflict with their ethics.In other words, if an officer believes racial profiling is an effective method of policing their ethics are going to conflict with formal policies. An effective method to correct this conflict has been to educate officers on evidence that proves stopping minorities based on their race are less likely to result in criminal activity than stops based on behavioral-based criteria. Even with education, an officer’s ethics can still prevail over evidence learned in training. This is because the officer’s ethical standards still tell them racial profiling is more effective (Pollock, 2010).Training to Eliminate Unethical Police Discretion Practices Efforts to eliminate racial discrimination in the police culture are in the form of new officer recruitment and training and taught through patrol work. These measures are taken to eliminate negat ive discretion, such as racial profiling, by developing better relationships with the community regardless of the racial composition. The goal is to make police-citizen interactions more frequent, varied, and dispersed throughout the community (Mastrofski, 2011). A suggestion was made on how to police hot spots by Mastrofski.He suggested that instead of having officers stationed in hot spots with full personal discretion on how they police the area, they should be told how long to patrol the area or told what tactics to use in the area. This will eliminate complete personal discretion by the officers patrolling the hot spot areas. The time limit of policing the hot spot is to reduce the amount of neglect other areas in the community experience due to the policing of hot spot areas. The goal of this plan is to continue with the crack downs in hot spot zones without neglecting other areas in the community (Mastrofski, 2011).Conclusion Although this research paper focused on the negati ve effects of police discretion, there can also be positive effects. Things such as giving offenders of minor traffic violations less of a punishment or giving first time youth offenders less of a punishment to let them learn from their mistakes are examples of what can be termed positive police discretion. However, what is considered positive discretion to one person could be negative discretion to another. Every person has their own opinions about how police discretion should be handled.Some may think police should not be entitled to use discretion and every department should have policies the officers should follow instead. Other people may like that police have the use of discretion which could lead to a warning for a minor traffic violation instead of a fine. The topic of police discretion in relation to ethical dilemmas is also a heated debate. Since people have different ethics; every police officer will patrol a little different. It has been suggested that police departments educate their officers to be more uniform in their policing.Not only would this eliminate some of the negative discretion practices officers may have developed, it would also put all the officers on the same page with the way the department would like to have the community policed (Mastrofski, 2011). The concept of police discretion is a large topic of conversation among researchers. The problem I see with the topic of conversation is there is not a lot of research done on the actual affects of the individual discretion of each officer compared to a department that has been educated in following policies more than personal discretion.In fact, from what I saw there is not much research on the effects of discretion at all. It seems like it is a topic that is overlooked when researching the effectiveness of a department. I feel like before more solutions are found on how to correct the problem of discretion, more research needs to be done on how discretion plays a role in every day po licing. Until this research is conducted, all the articles published are on theories of discretion causing problems, and all of the solutions mentioned are methods to correct a problem that has not even been proven to be an issue yet.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discuss the arguments for and against the use of toluidine blue Essay

Discuss the arguments for and against the use of toluidine blue staining as a screening method for oral cancer in dental practic - Essay Example This paper elucidates on the arguments for and against the use of toluidine in screening for oral cancer. The use of toluidine blue in uterine and oral cancer screening was pioneered by Richart in 1962. A 1% aqueous solution of toluidine blue is painted over the target area for ten seconds followed by a rinse of 1% solution of acetic acid. The toluidine blue binds to the DNA on surface cells, causing the surface to take on a bluish hue. The amount of DNA material present may be used as an indication of suspected dysplasia or neoplasia (Richart 1962). 2.0. Arguments for toluidine screening Jones and Rankin (2008) consider toluidine blue staining as a diagnostic aid for the dental professional in the evaluation of the possible malignancy of oral lesions. The potency of staining with toluidine blue has been likened to that of brush biopsy in terms of early detection, speeding up of biopsy and subsequent diagnosis of oral cancer. Application of aqueous toluidine blue to a lesion followed by a rinsing of 1% acetic acid results in selective binding with dysplastic and malignant cells accurately. The blue stain also marks a good site to extract for biopsy. Extreme care should, however, be practiced to ensure that the dye is neither mutagenic nor carcinogenic for best results. Patton, Epstein and Kerr (2008) performed a systematic review of literature related to several adjunctive techniques used in the early detection of oral premalignant and malignant lesions or OPML, such as toluidine blue. A total of 23 articles were reviewed wherein the majority focused on the use of toluidine blue. Results of the review revealed the effectiveness of toluidine blue in diagnosing oral premalignant and malignant lesions in high-risk populations and suspected mucosal lesions. However, clinicians are advised not rely much on diagnostic adjuncts alone. A complete oral mucosal examination is recommended together with specialty referrals or tissue biopsy to correctly diagnose OPML. Epste in, Silverman, Epstein, Lonky and Bride (2008) evaluated the effects of ViziLite, a chemiluminiscent light source in conjunction with toluidine blue in the process of verifying lesions identified by oral soft tissue examinations. Lesion assessment by chemiluminiscense combined with toluidine blue staining was compared with conventional visual examination. Subsequently, the suspected lesions were subjected to biopsy and diagnosed through conventional histopathological methods. Moreover, toluidine staining was performed on lesions related to severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and squamous cell carcinoma. Results of the assessment show an improvement in the brightness and sharpness of margin in 60 out of 97 identified lesions that underwent the chemiluminiscent exam. Meanwhile, toluidine staining exhibited a false positive rate of 55.26% while maintaining a 100% negative predictive value (Epstein, Silverman, Epstein, Lonky and Bride 2008). Fedele (2009) described toluidine blue as an indispensable tool in identifying the area damaged by a malignant lesion due to its ability to stain nucleic acids. This effect makes it easier to remove malignant lesions since toluidin blue clearly marks the boundaries of the lesion, thus allowing precise excision. Recent studies on the use of toluidine blue were rather limited due to the dearth of research efforts in relation to randomized controlled trials, histological diagnosis

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Management alternatives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management alternatives - Essay Example This manifests that Sirkin et al’s DICE is not just any other theory concocted by the fancy of academicians but in fact have in fact proved to be grounded on reality. The article focused on the importance of the hard side of change management which could be directly or indirectly quantified as a critical factor in the success of change management over soft side (communication, motivation, etch). The article stressed that the hard factors should be addressed first because failure to address such will result in failure that soft initiatives of change could not even take off because the initiative has already failed. The recommendations/conclusion to address change was also realistic and cognizant of the problems which change initiatives faces in the real world that is why it resulted to an overwhelming success when applied to the real world. The article however was published in 2005 and discussed a study that was conducted in 1992 and completed in 1994. While the change manageme nt approach of DICE was unquestionably successful, it was conducted aeon ago. It goes without saying that the business reality today is way different compared to 1994. Businesses today are already globalized and highly competitive where customers are increasingly getting sophisticated to name few changes in business environment that is different when Sirkin et al’s study was conducted. Thus, the study may have been more relevant if a revisit or a review on its efficacy was conducted to check if it is still valid in today’s present reality. The article could have been timely if it had integrated more recent studies about change management. One of those more recent studies is the Murthy’s concept of change management that dealt with the soft factors of change management which Sirkin et al touched in their articles. The article focused on the importance of people in implementing change in any business organization because â€Å"it is the people who will ultimately cause the change to be a success or a failure. The implications of change on individuals are important without which we can never really hope to manage large scale change effectively† (Murthy 2007: 23). According to Murthy, to effectively implement individual change, there are four approaches to make such change successful; they are behavioral, cognitive and psychodynamic. Murthy’s behavioral approach is to make the reward strategies right to make individuals receptive to change. Basically this entails understanding how individuals perceive change and to understand what makes an individual tick. These approaches are important because without understanding an individual’s behavior, no amount of reward strategy can be successful. The cognitive approach is to link goals to motivation. When an individual is already understood on how he or she perceives change and has already identified the factors that will motivate the individual to be receptive to change, such wil lingness to adapt to change should be aligned with the organizational goals. The psychodynamic approach is to treat people as individuals and understand their emotional states as well as your own (Murthy 2007). Simply put, treat others in the same manner we would like to

MRKT - Real-World Write-ups Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MRKT - Real-World Write-ups - Article Example 2). The trend in fashion was exemplified by Liberty, a UK based retailer of clothes, in terms of organizing groups of clientele who endeavor to learn on crafts such as knitting and sewing, among others. The same strategy was reported to be applied by Nike, as the company organized sports activities in various community groups that share the same interests. In doing so, the strategy of highlighting shopping as a social activity is reinforced. The value of conversation and effective communication to clients was enhanced by Pizza Express through hiring â€Å"actor Karl James to teach its staff how to better interact with diners† (ibid, par. 17). In addition, retail shops realized the need to retain front line personnel whose role includes persuasion in the sales process. Finally, as stated, â€Å"pop-ups, temporary shops often in unusual spaces, whose lifespan can range from just a couple of hours to a few weeks, are helping to bring some spontaneity and excitement to retailingà ¢â‚¬  (ibid, par. 26).

Monday, August 26, 2019

Camera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Camera - Essay Example The high creativity and innovation of new cameras such as smart phones, which have numerous uses apart from taking photographs may lead to the decline of sales and profits reaped by camera companies (Kurtz 79). This indicates that the product has reached the decline stage, and it may become extinct if the innovation of new photo taking gadgets continues. Introduction Stage This is the stage when the product enters the market the first time, and firms reap low sales and profits because they conduct intense marketing to attract customers (Kurtz 30). The camera was first introduced in the market during the proto globalization period that began in the sixteenth century. Human intelligence increased during this period leading to the invention of various objects such as the wheel and the camera. The first camera, known as obscura, took inverted images that were not saved on any material. The object was as big as a house, and it allowed photographs of one person only. The camera had a hole through which light passed and formed inverted images of the objects in front of the gadget. The images taken by the camera were unclear and unattractive. The inventors of the product later developed portable cameras that increased the need for photography in the world (Joanne 65). Image of the first camera obscura ( Image taken using camera obscura ( Growth Stage The growth stage is the second phase of product development, which involves increases in sales and profits. Organizations reap higher benefits in this stage than in the introductory phase because of the incoming of new customers. During this stage, new firms begin producing the good so that they can reap the high profits and sales in the industry (Kurtz 84). In the introductory stage of the camera, Kodak was the only company that produced the product. However, new companies such as Nixxon and Sony entered the industry. The growth stage also involves the addition of features to the products to make them more attractive to existing customers. The additional features also help companies in attracting new users, and this enables them to recover they capital they invest in the production of the good. Eastman, the director of Kodak developed the camera by enabling the saving of images in films. The films were of limited length meaning that they would save a limited number of images. Users of the camera went back for film refilling to the companies where they bought the product when the existing space finished. The images saved on the films were also produced by the producing companies when there was no additional space in a film (Joanne 76). This meant that customers would wait for numerous days to view their pictures. The photographs taken using the film cameras were not also clear; although they were better than those of the obscura. The film camera ( Image taken using the film camera ( Instant cameras were also develop ed during the growth stage of the product life cycle. This is the camera that enabled consumers to recover their photographs immediately. Users did not have to wait for days or months to see their photographs like they did with the film camera (Joanne 93). The invention of this camera increased the sales of Kodak and other companies in the industry. This is because they attracted new customers and recovered sales from those who were dissatisfied by the extensive periods taken to produce

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Influence of blood donation on levels of water-soluble vitamins Research Proposal - 1

Influence of blood donation on levels of water-soluble vitamins - Research Proposal Example This study shall aim at getting full information on the influence of blood donation on soluble mineral salts in the body. There shall be some approaches used to achieve the intended purpose of the study. There shall be twenty participants in this study. Ten of them shall be donators of blood in the previous two months while the other ten shall be controls since they will not have donated blood in the previous two months. This study design will help to get the comparison between the health of the people who donated blood in the area and those who did not donate blood. The participants will be randomly picked from the population sample. This is advantageous because it will make the results to be more reliable. A general research will be done to determine the number o people who had donated blood in the previous two months. This will be done through quantitative analysis to establish the real number of people who had donated blood in the area. A questionnaire shall be availed to the twenty participants to be filled. This shall be quantitative to determine personal issues pertaining the donation or non-donation of the blood. A medical test shall be done for the twenty participants in this study. This will need medical professionals so that they can provide real results on where the soluble mineral salts were been lost by those who donated blood. In addition, an interview shall be carried out to determine the diets that were been used by the participants who had donated blood. Some problems are likely to occur in this study. One of them is that it shall be hard to get the right sample for the study. In addition, some of them will not be interested in the study and this will mean that the results may be invalid or outdated. In addition, many of the respondents shall be in fear of the tests and this may even lead to some refusing the test. The solutions that shall be approached in this issue shall aim at making the whole

Saturday, August 24, 2019

American Arbitration Associate Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Arbitration Associate - Article Example The Dispute Resolution Services is the largest worldwide provider of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) that is aimed at reducing the effect of the dispute through mediation, arbitration and out-of-court settlements that involve employment healthcare, international trade conflicts, intellectual property, consumer technology and construction. It also enables the access to the American Arbitration Association claim program, rules and real-world solutions to business and industry professionals, government agencies as well as consumers. It of paramount importance to note that these services are involved in the establishments of protocols as well as methods geared towards resolving disputes before they occur, thus contributing positively in saving costs and time and at the same time maintaining relationships. The dispute resolution services also contribute in assisting to meet the objectives by providing a variety of process and procedures that set the stage for early resolution for conflicts ideally helping to reduce the level of antagonism between parties. Monica, A. M.(1992). Reference to American Arbitration Association Rules in Home Warranty Contract Makes Arbitration Decision Binding, 4 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 63. Retrieved from: and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Human Resourse Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resourse Management - Essay Example Every organization must ensure that they tell the employees what they are interested in hearing rather than focuses all their energy on telling things that would fall on deaf ears. Communication is undoubtedly a two way process and both the employer and employee must participate in this two way process in order to ensure that the growth of their organization takes place. There are several important communication options available these days ranging from Emails to Faxes to Phone calls and a host of other ways. Several methods of communication have become an integral part in almost all the organizations. The most common way of communication is oral communication; this is carried out by almost every organization in the form of meetings. Conducting meetings is a very integral part of management; usually these meetings throw light upon the position of an organization and the steps required in enhancing the current position of an organization. Meetings provide an ideal platform for the emp loyees to discuss their difficulties with the organization; this promotes the theory of two way conversion within the organization. Telephone calls is another important way of communicating with the employees, both these methods come under oral communication. Planning is a very important factor in communication. It is very important to plan before making a phone call to an employee, a list of points should be made ready in order to put across important messages assertively. Most organizations prefer written communication over oral communication because written communication provides a record and employees tend to act much faster on written communication than oral commutation. There are several ways of written communication; the most popular of them include letters, faxes, emails etc. Letters play an instrumental role in putting across a message assertively. Letters must always be kept short and to the point, they must communicate what is meant to be communicated no less, no more. Th e brevity of a letter is its real strength and the same is often noticed in many cases. Fax is another option should a company choose written communication over oral communication. The use of fax has dwindled over the period of time, most organizations prefer sending emails to their employees than sending them fax messages. Email has perhaps become the most popular form of written communication these days and it I one of the fastest methods of communication and this is exactly why most organizations depend on this very heavily. Group projects can easily be handled under autocratic leadership, the use of technology and communication becomes inevitable when it comes to group work and autocratic leadership ensures that all employees adhere to the rules and regulation and complete their respective tasks. A person with Autocratic leadership ability must take over should an organization decide to make their employees work in a group, the communication process is ought to become complicate d but an autocratic leader is expected to handle the same with minimum fuss. The strategic pay literature is predominantly controlled by two perspectives namely, the best fit and the best practice. The best fit perspective highlights the importance of competitive advantage by bringing in align the firm’

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Literacy Planning Essay Example for Free

Literacy Planning Essay Introduction The purpose of this report was to collect and collate information from a teacher in relation to how reading is taught in a classroom structure. This was based on how the teacher taught reading, what they taught and in particular why these aspects of reading were taught. Through the interview and questions I asked of the teacher, it has come quite clear that reading that is taught to students is embedded in everything we do, but overall teaching children to learn to read is fundamental in a practical sense and also for enjoyment. This document provides: An overview on the targeted teaching group What beliefs in relation to teaching literacy Who selects the curriculum content What instructional procedures are used How grouping strategies are used What and why assessment tools are used The classroom environment 1. Overview on targeted teaching group. The following documentation and conclusion were questions asked of a Year 2 teacher situated within the Early Years team consisted of 23 students within a school (CDPS) in the Southern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. This teacher had been teaching mainly in the Early Years for 6 years and has come to CDPS as a new contract teacher. CDPS is a Category 2 school set in a low social economic setting. This school has 252 students attending at present, 155 of these are main stream with the remaining 97 students attending the Disability Unit that is incorporated within the school. There is a high ratio of Multicultural students as well as Aboriginal students needing extra support with their education due to English being their second language. This school also has a high focus on Literacy through an Intervention Team that is made up of teachers that specialise in different areas such as a Reading Support Teacher Years Reception to 2, a Literacy Intervention Teacher Years 3 -7, Aboriginal Education Teacher (AET) and a English as a Language and Dialect Teacher (EALD) and Negotiated Education Plan Teacher (NEP). Also at CDPS there is speech support for students through Undergraduate Speech Pathologists, as the school supports a Flinders University Speech Pathology program. This program support is across both sites of the school by Third and Fourth year Undergraduate students that work with the guidance of the class teachers and University Speech Pathologist on different elements of literacy to further develop student’s phonological awareness and knowledge. 2. Beliefs in relation to teaching literacy Through the question put forward to the 2/3 teacher, ‘What are your beliefs and philosophies in literacy in relations to students learning to read and you teaching reading’, the teacher explained that they believed that literacy was embedded in everything that we do. This could be from the simplest tasks of looking at a milk carton to looking at a traffic light going red. With this cultural awareness, we as adults have the understanding and prior knowledge that encases these objects in our ever day life. As explained by Harris, Turbill, Fitzsimmons and McKenzie (pg17, 2006), ‘Literacy is the ability to read and use written information and to write appropriately in a range of context. It is also used to develop knowledge and understanding, to achieve personal growth and to function effectively in our society. ’ For students to understand and have knowledge of such objects and items they must be exposed socially and culturally. For teachers who provide context for learning can enable students to develop control over their written language, so they can network successfully in a literate culture. Also based on the teachers belief, teaching children to learn to read is and can be fundamental, in a practical sense and needs to be also for enjoyment. As the main feature of language is listening, speaking, reading and writing, it is explained by Makin, Diaz McLachlan (2007) beginning readers and writers usually require explicit teaching about such language knowledge as the alphabetic principal, print conventions, spelling and reading strategies. As explicit instruction in reading is essential for most children, through surrounding them with language and literature is vital but not the whole picture. This could be done by exploring how language works, playing with language, and learning about genre structure. Through an immense amount of discussions surrounding these concepts, it can provide a child with a rich foundation from which they can continue to build their knowledge and apply these new skills. From a whole school perspective at CDPS, various programmes and philosophies are to be followed. These programmes and philosophies have been put in place for teachers to unite as a community for learners. For example, Accelerated Literacy, the scaffolds of Stephen Graham; David Hornsby’s Guided reading; Anne Bayetto’s Spell, Record, Respond; strategies from â€Å"Reading Comprehension: taking the learning deeper†, and the Oxford word list. CDPS also has an English Genre Map and a Spelling genre Map in which they are expected to follow to encourage learning that can be continually built upon and can also avoid learning gaps. 3. Selection of Curriculum Content CDPS curriculum content is decided upon as a whole school through both English and Spelling genre maps. The English genre map indicates that teachers will use: The explicit teaching pedagogies of Accelerated literacy, The scaffolds of Stephen Graham, David Hornsby’s Guided Reading, Anne Bayetto’s Spelling, Record, Respond, and  Strategies from â€Å"Reading Comprehension: Taking the Learning Deeper† research project. These are the foundations for the implementation for the teaching of reading, writing, comprehension, visual literacy, spelling, grammar and punctuation. This map specifies the text types that will be taught during each term and through the order of these text types, it ensures that each focus expands a student’s repertoire and prepares them for the next text type. As explained by Harris, Turbill, Fitzsimmons and McKenzie (2006) when encountering texts, readers not only consider the kind of text they have at hand, but what the text is about. For example, students that are studying factual recounts before they move into biography or autobiography will study literary description before they move into narrative and factual description before they move into information report writing. CDPS’s spelling continuum is underpinned by pedagogy as outlined in Anne Bayetto’s Spell, Record, and Respond. As explained by Bayetto (2011), Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and spelling are intertwined and nourish each other. To communicate through writing, students must apply both oral language skills, for example,  knowledge of syntax and semantics, and reading skills, for example, sounds of letters in words. In addition students must be able to think about and organise a topic, spell words, and legibly produce letters. CDPS spelling programmes are based on spelling lessons each day. Every student receives a differentiated spelling programme based on spelling needs determined by Oxford Wordlist assessments, Monster Spelling assessments, or words taken from independent writing and theme words. Also at CDPS they use a flow lists of words not fixed lists of words. This means that each student’s words stays on a student’s list until they can spell, read and put the words into an understandable context. This is observed through each student only given three words at a time based on the approach of less words and more learning activities. These activities allow children to complete the activities with their spelling words through multiple intelligent activities, giving all children the opportunity to work in their preferred learning style and creating the understanding and knowledge of the words that they are learning. A phonics programme has also been strongly recommended and supported by the school-based Speech Pathologist from Flinders University and has proven to be highly effective in improving reading amongst Junior Primary classes. This is achieved by teachers following the implementation of the phonics programme and through this programme teachers are continually bringing back a focus of literacy to apply this knowledge whilst reading together as a whole class or as independent readers. As explained by Dymock (2007), teachers play an important role in assisting students to develop a good understanding of text structure awareness. Through teachers using good instructional guidance, it can be the most powerful means of promoting the development of proficient reading comprehension and developing reading problems. 4. Instructional Procedure, Grouping and Differentiation Strategies At CDPS, students practice through explicit team orientation in the classroom and draw on various cooperative learning strategies. These can be seen by the teacher as supportive ways for group work, ability levelling, shared learning, and to create a fully collaborative approach to each student’s learning. Through these practices it can also enable the teacher to become facilitators rather than indoctrinators. As explained by the teacher, students share reading as a whole class. This enables the teacher to introduce a new text, giving students time to discuss as a whole group about the text and their ideas enabling the teacher to further identify where students needs for further clarification of the new text. Guided reading groups are differentiated to provide an explicit teaching and learning session. This gives students a targeted focus specifically to the level of what the group is working at. Through guided reading it allows the students to focus on reading and comprehension strategies. Also peer reading session are set up with Year 7 students to support the students with their reading. These sessions give the students time to observe strategies that other students use and time for them to discuss the different strategies that they use whilst reading. Levelled readers are also sent home with students for the practice of independent reading and a vocabulary wall is displayed with specific text that the students have discovered through Accelerated Literacy lessons. These lessons are through explicit teaching ways of talking, viewing, thinking, reading, writing and spelling. As outlined by Cooper, Roth, Speece, Schatschneider,(2002) children progress through a period of emergent literacy during which they develop the rudimentary skills, knowledge, and attitudes that prepare them for the acquisition of conventional literacy. There is also a word wall displayed for the students to look at and to encourage them to write and read independently. Also throughout the week students have times for silent reading and may chose a book of their choice to read giving them further time for independent reading session. Within the early years at CDPS, shared reading and writing is an effective literacy teaching strategy. This can be seen by the teachers through the holding of student’s attention as they are involved in the joint production of the text or whilst at the same time allowing the teacher to model the different aspects of the reading and writing processes. As outlined by Lane, Pullen, Paige, Eisele, and Jordan (2002), reading is a foundation skill for school learning and life learning the ability to read is critical for success in modern society. Learning to read is one of the most important events in a child’s school career. At CDPS, teachers attend fortnightly meetings at Professional Learning Committee’s (PLC’s). In these committees, teachers discuss what aspects of the curriculum they are teaching and share ideas and resources to support the genres and philosophies they are to follow within the school’s curriculum structure. As explained by the teacher differentiation at the present is made quite easy through Cooperative learning systems. At the moment, table groups are based on behaviours and cohesion. As the students have settled, it has become possible to group student’s base on their ability and to pair up high and low functioning students. 6. Assessment Tools At CDPS assessment tools are whole-school based and has been written into the school’s curriculum genre mapping. These assessments include: Running Records; Oxford Word Lists in both Writing and Reading; Screen for Phonological Awareness test (SPA); Language Concepts; Text Orientation and Name Writing. As stated by Harris, Turbill, Fitzsimmons and McKenzie (2006), assessment and evaluation is a vital part of the teaching and learning cycle that forms the basis for a range of decisions that impact within the learning culture. Once this data is collected it is then analysed by the Intervention Team and student’s needs are planned for. All students data is kept on computerised spread sheets and hard copies are also placed into student’s portfolio folders, which stay with the student for the time they are at the school. These portfolio folders are forwarded onto the next class teacher at the end of each year to assist the teacher with planning appropriately for individual students. Student learning and understanding is also assessed both in the midst of lessons verbally as well as after by using a rubric. As explained by the teacher, though these types of assessments, it can give the best feedback to the students on what they need to work on and what their strengths are. As explained by Campbell Green (2006) teachers that primarily assess and monitor the literacy development of their students in a professional manner can reflect the complexities of their literacy. Assessments should also be used to help students take ownership and control over their learning. This gives students the empowerment that is necessary to establish their own purpose for reading and learning. 6. Classroom Resources and Learning Environment Resources are planned during Professional Learning Committee’s (PLC’s) in  conjunction with a team of teachers at a similar teaching level, for example Junior Primary, whereby the aim of these meetings is to discuss planning, share resources and where alignment amongst teaching is made. Generally as a rule, all of the resources that are made by the teachers stay with the teachers, unless they are specifically made resources to target a particular curriculum area. Then these items would be catalogued through the library system for anyone to borrow and use. If a teacher is making their own resources they would generally display these for children to use at specific times of teaching. For example, if students are learning the Alphabet teachers would have picture cards made up for student to look at, order and read. They would also have the Alphabet displays throughout the classroom for visual aids and reminders of what it looks like. As outlined by Harris, Turbill, Fitzsimmons and McKenzie (2006), resources are what learners are immersed in and the source of most of the demonstrations of how language is used and structured. Also as explained by the teacher books for a classroom library would be selected by all students of the class. This was done as a theme based approach at the beginning of the term. For example books that would be about bears had to be found and they all had to find 2 books each. These books then were brought back to the classroom and placed in the library corner on the shelving at student’s height. The teacher also explained that the positioning of word walls and text posters within the classroom were placed at student’s eye height so students could look at, see and read. The reading corner or quiet area that was created was an area where students could go and look at books without the constant interruptions of other students at their desks. There was also a common ruling in this area that voices where to be kept at a whisper. This enabled students to either read for enjoyment or just to browse and relax. 8. Evaluation With all of this in mind I believe literacy is more than an individual act of mean making and language used, it is a social act as well. When students read or write, they bring not only their own personal experiences, but also the experiences of the various social groups in which they hold membership too. As students learn to read or write, they often cannot focus on everything they have to do at the same time. For example, a certain text that they are reading they can read but not comprehend. I believe that the programmes and genre mapping that teacher’s use at CDPS supports Literacy and Phonological awareness amongst their students. It provides and exposes the students to structured Literacy lessons that would be most effective to their reading and writing learning. The support from the teaching staff at CDPS is of high standards and the Speech Pathology program running from the school is one of high standards. It has the best interests of student across both sites. Appendix  The following questions were for a teacher that was asked of them during a one to one interview in relation to how does a teacher teach reading. 1. Beliefs in relation to teaching literacy: What are your beliefs and philosophies in literacy in relations to students learning to read and you teaching reading? 2. Selection of Curriculum Content: How do you as a teacher decide what content of the curriculum you teach within literacy? What areas are you focusing on with your students at present and why? 3. Instructional Procedures: As a teacher what strategies do you choose to teach your students to read and why? What areas of literacy do you currently focus on and how are these displayed with/for your students? 4. Grouping Strategies: How do you as a teacher decided on literacy groups for your students and what diversity strategies do you employ with your students during these times? 5. Assessment Tools: How do you decide on what assessment strategies you use, what methods you use or would be used to assess your students for literacy learning? How do you keep students records once assessments are finished? 6. Classroom Environment: What is the theory behind setting up your classroom literacy resources for your students as displayed? Diagram of the classroom References Bayetto. A. , (2011), Spell, Record, Respond. Moving from assessment to instruction. South Melbourne, Vic. : Oxford University Press Campbell, R. Green, D. (Eds. ) (2006). Literacies and learners: Current perspectives. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia. Cooper, D. H. , Roth, F. P. , Speece, D. L. , Schatschneider, C. (2002). The contribution of oral language skills to the development of phonological awareness. Applied Psycholinguistics, 23, 399-416. Dymock, S. (2007). Comprehension strategy instruction: Teaching narrative text structure awareness. The Reading Teacher, 61(2), pp. 161–167. Harris, P. , Turbill, J. , Fitzsimmons, P. , McKenzie, B. (2006). Reading in the primary years (2nd ed. ). South Melbourne, Vic. : Cengage Learning Australia. Lane, H. B. , Pullen, P. C. , Eisele, M. R. , Jordan, L. (2002). Preventing reading failure: Phonological awareness assessment and instruction. Preventing School Failure, 46(3), 101. Makin, L. , Diaz, C. McLachlan, C. (Ed. ). (2007). Literacies in childhood: changing views, challenging practice. Marrickville, NSW: Elsevier Australia.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The associated energy change involved Essay Example for Free

The associated energy change involved Essay For example, by combusting an alcohol with seven carbon atoms in the same apparatus, it would produce 1500 kJ per mole. We can also use the graph to devise a formula so that we can easily calculate the energy released in an alcohol with, say a thousand carbon atoms. The formula for any straight line is y = mx + c [m is the gradient and c is the y-axis intercept]. Therefore the formula would be y = x + 0 [where y is the energy released and x is the number of carbon atoms in the alcohol]. The above will only calculate approximate values as the formula was devised form the graph which can cause inaccuracies. For example, an alcohol with 15 carbon atoms would produce the following amount of energy with this apparatus: y = x = 15 =3214. 29 kJ/mol to 2 d. p. Hence, using the same method, we can devise a formula with the predicted accurate values. It would be: y = 1217x + 910 The above is accurate and will calculate exactly the amount of energy produced. For example, an alcohol with 15 carbon atoms will produce exactly this amount of energy. The two formulas are able to support my explanation that energy transfer is not 100 per cent efficient and that a lot of energy is always lost. GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation into energy changes in the combustion of alcohols Evaluation The procedure of the experiment did not allow us to obtain highly accurate results because a lot of energy was still lost to the environment, though a draft excluder was used, heat was lost through the top of the apparatus. Hence this explains why our actual results are smaller than the predicted ones because energy is lost and so not all of it is taken into account. The procedures qualitative errors were a major problem, hence the large difference between the two results, though they show the same trend. The results are fairly accurate to what was actually measured, they differ with the predicted results due to the main qualitative error which was heat loss. Otherwise they are fairly accurate results to what was actually transferred to the water and the can. Also we did not calculate the heat transferred to the can accurately because we assumed its temperature rise was also 20i C, which is the same as the water. This is wrong because heat is not all transferred to the water and instead to the environment, and hence the temperature of the can is actually higher than 20i C, and also explains why the actual results were smaller than the predicted. We were only measuring temperature with a thermometer to the nearest degree, this is highly inaccurate because any small error made in these measurements are magnified because we are manipulating the results to get what we want, i. e. the energy transferred. Therefore this reduced the accuracy of the results. The anomalous results that were below the line of best fit showed that the energy released was too small, this was because of extra heat loss than expected and was caused by us blowing onto the can or water to cool it and also not fully closing the draught excluder. The anomalous results that were above the line of best fit show that the energy released was too high and was due to uneven stirring of the water and so some areas of the water were hotter than the others. It was also due to the fact that the tip of the flame was too near to the bottom of the can, i. e.height x is too small, and so it was an unfair test and less heat was lost than expected. The procedure was highly inaccurate due to the apparatus used, which caused too much heat to be lost. The apparatus was not in sealed conditions and so a lot of heat was lost to the air around it, between the flame and the can causing convection currents. If the flame was too near the bottom of the can it would mean less heat loss but also incomplete combustion and so the energy transferred would be different than expected and the carbon that forms on the bottom of the can causes inefficient heat transfer. If the flame was too far form the can then there would be a lot of heat loss and so affecting the accuracy of the results. The draught excluder proved to be of limited use as heat rises and so heat was not kept in from above where most heat energy is lost. The measurements were also not accurate enough as the results would have to manipulated. It is for these reasons that the procedure is not suitable enough to enable us to produce highly accurate results of which would be very similar to the predicted. But we must appreciate the fact that there is never a 100 per cent energy conversion and that energy is always lost. An improve procedure, would involve the use of a thermocouple to replace this calorimeter. The thermocouple reduces heat loss greatly as it is able to create a sealed environment and so nearly all the energy released in the combustion of the alcohol is accounted for. The water is also circulated and so is heated evenly. But the calorimeter could be improved by heating the water by a larger temperature, such as 60i C. This means that the inaccuracy of the thermometer would be spread over a larger temperature and so the error factor is smaller. We could also use a digital thermometer instead which measure to 2 decimal places which would be efficient and accurate. We could also heat a larger amount of water for the same reason. The entire apparatus could be put into a sealed environment such as a large jar with vent holes at the bottom and a small hole the top for stirring the water. The oxygen needed for the reaction would be sucked into the jar through the holes at the bottom and so the heat produce would be trapped in the environment and could be measured. A more detailed trend with the results could be obtained by continuing the experiment with alcohols that had larger molecules, i. e. more carbon atoms. Also the experiment would be repeated more than twice to allow us to identify and eliminate the results even further. The evidence is reliable in showing the sort of trend that would be produced. The anomalous results were also very small and still show the trend clearly and so the results are accurate. The difference in the actual result and the predicted results can also be fully accounted for. The actual results are also more realistic in terms of energy transfer as it takes into account the energy loss. The obtained evidence is sufficient to support a firm conclusion that as the molecular size of the alcohol increases so does the amount of energy released. This is because the results show this trend very clearly and are similar to the predicted results. The anomalies are also not far from the line of best fit and so support the trend making them reliable. Even though the actual results differ from those that were predicted, it can be explained by the fact that energy is lost to the environment. Further work for this investigation would include testing to see the rate at which energy is produced; how long it takes for each alcohol to heat the water by a certain amount. My prediction would be that the alcohols with the larger molecules would take less time because they have more bonds and so more energy is released in a certain amount of time, and so it would heat the water faster. Additional evidence for the conclusion could also be obtained by continuing the experiment with more alcohols with more carbons and so allowing us to gain a more detailed trend in the relationship. Also by replacing the calorimeter with a thermocouple would allow us to see a more accurate trend and find other factors apart from heat loss that may cause anomalous results. Steven John 11c Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Teachers role in Facilitating Learning

Teachers role in Facilitating Learning To fully understand, appreciate and reflect on this title, I will have to study three, very different, yet at the same time inherently linked facets of the education spectrum. Firstly, the role of the teacher will have to be explored and the functions and responsibilities this position entails. Are teachers just lecturing child-minders, or are they fundamental, not only to a childs learning in school, but to their social and moral development and education? Secondly, what children learn, how children learn, and how we, as educators, learn with them, are crucial aspects which cannot be ignored. And thirdly, I will refer to the aforementioned areas of teaching within the context of key stage 3 and 4 English. The precise role of the teacher varies, but educator and role-model are two essential parts. Teachers have a responsibility and a moral duty (and are legally contracted), to assist the development of a pupils learning throughout their school life, whether they are in a lesson or during any other scholastic situation. Teachers and pupils have to co-exist, live and work within the confines of a school, and the reasons why many children just cannot cope with this set-up are many. To minimize these potential problems, the teacher therefore has to cater for every pupils different needs, (race, gender, SEN etc). A teacher can do this by researching particular pupils asking previous teachers, seeing SAT scores and literacy and numeracy levels. Consulting the Senco can be beneficial if there are concerns over teaching somebody with special educational needs. Understanding and accepting pupils differences, whether they are educational, religious or cultural have to be, not tackled, but worked through with all parties present. A working relationship has to develop where the teacher can initiate and then assist learning and the pupil can respond in their own way. Knowing the pupils individually is of vital importance in knocking down walls and building bridges. The pupils knowing the teacher and the teache rs consistencies of discipline, standards and expectations, can benefit the two-way relationship. Both parties know each others likes, dislikes and boundaries etc. Children are constantly underestimated, they frequently gauge and assess the teacher, acting and reacting in different situations with different teachers, so its important to assert yourself and get that relationship right. This is a key target for me; because I worked as a teaching assistant at The Woodroffe, I had to create a formality between myself and a few of the pupils, whereas before it was beneficial to have a more relaxed approach to get the job done. In English, the teacher has several key tasks which help children to get the most out of the subject: giving the pupils confidence to try when reading and when writing and to give them the relevant skills. Encouraging them to share opinions and interact with their peers through discussion speaking and listening. Introduce literature and language variation. Help them to understand the authors craft reading for meaning. They should be given access to our literary heritage and texts from different cultures and traditions. Recognise where a pupil may benefit from drama and ICT related lessons and then differentiate accordingly. Teachers should consolidate this information with media topics and theories to expand knowledge and understanding. The ability to fuse these areas is a teachers aim. The teacher constantly has to push the boundaries, challenge the pupils to get them out of their comfort-zone. There is an element of risk involved for the teacher in attempting a balanced but chall enging lesson. There is also risk for many pupils in different ways: Some of us are risk tolerant and some of us are risk averse with all points equally represented. If you are in a learning situation and anxiety tips into stress, then what happens next is predictable. There are four categories of survival response available to you. A teacher or anyone is involved in formally educating others will be familiar with them. They are fight, flight, freeze and flock. You show resistance or fight the source of stress, you flee from it, you freeze in the face of it or you hang out with others like you or flock from it. If you have an accumulation of stressors that leave you feeling out of control, then the four Fs are what is left for you.  [1]   The teacher regularly reviews the boundaries to reduce the usage of these defence mechanisms. These four Fs are prevalent in English where in ascertaining whether the students have understood, the teacher will direct questions to random pupils, which in their eyes might be thought of as picking on. Speaking and listening tasks can offer problems to some students who may be good in other areas and some pupils respond by using one of these defence mechanisms because they lack the basic skills needed. What the teacher can do to alleviate this problem is to fore-warn the class that questions will be asked, nominate a table, group or pairs for an answer and say what type of questions you are going to ask, building up from easy questions to harder questions. A quieter student could be asked before the lesson if they felt okay with answering a question/performing a poem etc. A certain degree of sensitivity and common sense is needed when considering this question. Because English is such a varied subject that encompasses many different teaching and learning styles, it can be difficult to teach and consider the different and necessary approaches. Key stage 3 can be problematic at The Woodroffe as the classes are of mixed ability with a vast range of skills and needs. Key stage 4 are put into sets which, although can help with differentiation, means the need to further challenge pupils becomes more apparent. Pupils know every trick in the book, every survival technique that will help them to stay alive in the jungle that is their classroom. The teacher has to remain one step ahead of them, using their motivational techniques along with a good lesson, to keep the class participating. Knowing each pupil and their needs is of vital importance to the teacher. The balance of praise and criticism in teaching is an ongoing debate and an issue of common sense. Educational psychologists, writers, theorists, parents and teachers have all added their ideas to the following questions: Is it three ticks to one cross? Do you give out fewer ticks as the pupils get older? Do you mark in green or red pen? These are just some of the basic questions that are trying to be answered. At my school there is an Assessment For Learning initiative set up where a group of teachers have volunteered to try many of these schemes. They meet up quarterly to share results. From attending one of these meetings and by witnessing them in class, I am now aiming to use one or two of the ideas in my lessons. For instance, the question of how to mark effectively: Within this context it is very difficult to state what type of marking is needed and where. One possible rule offered is that you dont highlight every spelling mistake, especially for the lower ability groups. This issue splits teachers. As previously mentioned, I feel that this is an issue of common sense depending on the context of the situation. There is also the question of summative vs. formative marking, but does there have to be verses, they can co-exist together. Sometimes a comment is more beneficial to the student than a grade. Some students may prefer to see a mark or grade so that they can easily see improvement. There is ongoing research into this area. Choosing which type of marking to use is a matter for each individual teacher and their individual students. Again, it is your knowledge of the pupils as individuals, building on your expectations for them, what they are achieving and what they should be achieving and getting the pupil to recognise these expectations. Just as two pupils are never the same, the marking, comments and grades reflect this. Teachers have to regulate and differentiate and only by knowing the pupils, (SEN, background, social problems etc) will this occur. I have realised that some pupils benefit from formative marking and that some crave a grade or number so that they see if they are progressing. It appears to me that higher ability students like to see the grades. I was asked recently by a higher ability year 12 student to give a grade for a piece of homework where I had just put a constructive comment. Putting crosses in red, underlining incorrect spelling and putting see me! at the end of the work, are all methods which we are familiar with, but how many teachers actually appreciate and celebrate pupils work? At every level pupils like to see their work appreciated by the teacher and the class. They like to know that they understood the question or showed a great deal of effort. They like to be rewarded appropriately and consistently. For some pupils just to finish a piece of work is a cause for celebration. This celebration should be differentiated by the teacher in accordance with individual expectations. Linked with praise and criticism is target-setting. A current theme in schools is for the student and teacher to work together to set the pupils targets for the term/year etc. The theory behind this idea is to involve the pupil as much as possible so they can create manageable targets. Also, they are more likely to resist completely if a teacher were to set their targets and force-feed them to the student. In English, setting targets, no matter how small and achieving them is the basis for progression in learning. Targets could include spelling certain words, taking part more in class discussions, not calling out or handwriting. Again, this target setting is heavily differentiated and that is why I feel it is a good idea to involve the student, they know probably better than the teacher where they need to improve. I have worked with students and other teachers setting literacy targets and behavioural targets in other schools and at The Woodroffe. We adjusted the targets by looking at levels and listening to comments from other teachers, not just in English. This idea attempts to motivate students by shifting the responsibility, from the teacher to the pupil, involving them more in their learning. This is just one facet of an interactive movement within education today; self-marking and self-evaluation are important tools in the classroom for all key stages. Just recently I asked a year 10 group to mark their own work as if they were a teacher. The comments and grades that I were shown were very interesting, the amount of constructive reflection was very surprising. This allows the students to see their work from a teachers perspective what they will be marked on and how the teacher allocates marks for spelling and handwriting, for example. The idea is to create reflective pupils. Pupil responsibility is the current catchphrase, although some students understand the reasoning behind the idea more than others. In my year 9 lessons, preparing for their SATS, I ma ke very explicit what they will be marked on for each type of question. They are given the mark scheme to mark their own mock papers. This seems to help them a great deal and they are beginning to realise that teachers dont just give a random grade with could do better on the bottom. A teacher has to consider the use of the different learning styles: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Visual learners like to see what they learn, auditory learners like to hear what they learn and kinaesthetic learners like to be physically involved in what they learn. They should be used together and this cross-over is of vital importance in an inclusive learning environment. In English, skills are needed that incorporate different styles of teaching (reading, writing, watching, speaking, listening, performing). When planning, teachers have to accommodate all the methods to make sure they appeal to all the different types of learners in their class. Across both key stages I have aimed to deliver a varied programme within the lesson; when I am explaining something I try to express it clearly and concisely, have what I am saying on the board, sometimes with a picture and by giving out helpful handouts. By demonstrating something as I am explaining it, especially in drama and speakin g and listening, helps to address all the different types of learners. Also, I prefer to set work involving a mixture doing tasks, reading tasks, written tasks, whilst incorporating drama and ICT. Flexibility within a lesson structure is a key theme. Recognising where to be flexible is a trait of a good teacher: (Is this too easy for them shall I move on to something more challenging? Did they get all that shall I go over it again?) Because of the wide range of topics in English, a well-structured lesson should be planned, although digression in a lesson, especially when instigated by a pupils question, can be beneficial to develop. It is beneficial if a teacher is enthusiastic and is able to enthuse students. This enthusiasm should be considered a valuable resource, just like the teachers subject knowledge. The knowledge of, understanding and using resources are essential for enhancing the learning experience. Resources can be varied and obviously differ between subjects, classrooms and teachers. Resources can include such things as: Teacher knowledge Student knowledge Teaching Assistants I.C.T. computers, O.H.P.s, digital cameras, video cameras etc Research Homework A brilliant and effective lesson is very hard to achieve. A well-structured lesson is a must as long as there is flexibility allowed, as previously mentioned. Presentation and delivery are also important aspects to consider whilst not forgetting the power of the teacher to inspire: Use rich language and lots of repetition. Encourage learning behaviours noticing, naming, describing, speculating, questioning. Encourage physical exploration and robust play. (Smith, p.46) Other things that are found in a good lesson vary from subject to subject, factors that I consider crucial in English are: 1) Good planning and preparation. A well planned and prepared lesson is more likely to be a good one. Each learning objective and task to meet that objective is carefully considered to be beneficial to the students. This is an ongoing target, which I feel I have met to a basic level. 2) Knowing the pupils well. By knowing the pupils well you can cater for all their weaknesses and abilities, set achievable targets, expectations and boundaries. Again, I know the majority of my students and some of their weaknesses and strengths but I realise more background research on the pupils is needed. 3) Differentiation/learning styles. This is to benefit each student with their own needs and learning styles tailoring the lesson so that it is accessible to thirty or more students. This is a key aim of mine and although I feel I understand what is needed, I need to spend a great deal of time on this area. 4) Check understanding continually (also from assessment). I check at regular intervals by asking questions, checking books and work in lesson. This is important because it is vital to realise if you are going too fast or too slow. Students that dont understand will switch off. Also, knowing when you are going too fast is crucial and leads on to: 5) Consolidation building on prior knowledge/looking to future lessons. This can be added to the start of a lesson to refresh memories and to let the students know the content of the lesson. I feel I do consolidate consistently but it is an ongoing, rolling target of mine. 6) Appropriate working relationship with students. As previously mentioned, to benefit the student and the teacher, getting the correct balance has to be achieved. This is an area where I realised I needed to focus myself. I think I am gradually achieving that balance. A critical aspect of the facilitation of learning is the actual environment where the learning takes place, usually the classroom. Children are learning all the time, whether they know about it or not: There is a great deal of learning that goes on outside of conscious attention. The brain processes information that is neither attended to nor noticed and this process is pervasive and ongoing. Children can, in some situations, be learning without the involvement of the teacher! (Smith, p.161) There are other ways to make the classroom an enriched learning place and accessible to all. Behaviour is a major factor, if you have bad behaviour constantly and from different students, you may well question your choice of lesson for them. A lesson that is too easy for students is just as bad as a lesson that is too hard for them. Better behaviour means better learning. Classrooms become better places in which to study and more enjoyable to work in.  [2]   It is also beneficial to students and teachers alike, to be consistent when setting and enforcing rules and boundaries. By talking to staff and from my own experiences, I have realised this is an important aspect. Clarification, explanation and the displaying of rules and guidelines are essential as pupils learn best in ordered environments where boundaries are clear.(DfES 2003) It is easy to overlook the actual classroom space. This is an integral part to the students lessons. Is it light and airy? Is it overcrowded or badly set out? Are the wall displays overbearing, too busy? Or, are the displays subtly aiding learning by just being visible? Students are proud to see their own work on the walls and this sense of well-being can only help create a positive atmosphere. It is good for the students to know where everything is in a classroom. Are the dictionaries and other resources easily accessible? Are the tables and chairs set out in rows or in groups? Which way would suit the task you are about to set? I have always thought that this is an area that could easily be overlooked by teachers and although I aim to consider this factor, I find it difficult when I use twelve different rooms, some of them art and science rooms which are not conducive for teaching English. Differentiation is a major consideration in the classroom. Recognising, understanding and catering for every childs individual needs are essential; knowing the pupils, planning for them appropriately and setting achievable learning outcomes. Getting the balance between challenging content and achievement can be difficult, even for experienced teachers. That is why it is so important to know your pupils well, as previously discussed. What special educational needs do they have? What can you do to help them progress in their learning? In English, recognising reading and writing problems, are they dyslexic? Also, speaking and listening problems, autism and understanding these problems is necessary. How can you make your lessons more accessible for them? You can try to understand their problems and talk to the Senco about how to facilitate learning better. Have they any background or social problems? Teachers have to differentiate for the gifted and talented in their classes, with extens ion tasks combined with rewards, whilst not forgetting all the pupils in between. It is also a key aim for teachers to be reflective, recognising the good aspects of their teaching and developing them in order to facilitate progression in pupils learning. It is also necessary for them to realise where their teaching techniques and methods can be improved to achieve their full potential as an educator, which in turn, will improve the student. Although I have only limited experience, one example is fresh in my mind: Whilst beginning to take a year 11 GCSE prep. group, I realised that because of their lack of motivation, they werent really benefiting from my lessons. I discussed the issue with my mentor and approached from a different angle, changing my lesson plans, tasks and delivery to get their attention and to offer the skills they needed to learn. I think that the role of the teacher is an indefinable idea. As times change, so do the responsibilities and duties for a teacher. One thing remains constant however, the main drive of teacher as educator. Although teachers wear many different hats, their actual teaching hat is never taken off, that is the one thing that takes precedence. As previously mentioned, teachers have to be flexible nowadays, and it is this pliability that has helped to make teaching such a demanding but rewarding career. Teaching has evolved and the roles are many and varied across the entire spectrum. There is a shift in telling the children what they need to know, to telling the children how to find out what they need to know, giving them the responsibility for their learning and development. In English, there is a drive towards prioritising what the child needs to progress on, students are marked and evaluated as individuals not as a whole class. Getting the balance between consolidation and moving the class on is a constant consideration and through teaching, teachers are learning how to adapt and improve so they can benefit the students to their full potential.